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Set Your Intentions
I love manifesting, especially when my vision becomes reality. Making a vision board is one part of my manifestation. It starts with setting your intentions. Next, choose between a digital version and a printed one. I create a vision board every season or when I want to visualize something new. My summer vision board is now done, and so is the background for my iPhone.
These are the ones I have done for 2024. In fact, I just changed to my fall Vision Board phone wallpaper.
Vision Boards From the Past
I have been doing vision boards since I was young. We did not call them Vision Boards; we called them collages or dream boards. Think Jenna Rink’s Poise magazine board in the movie 13 Going On 30. And, who could forget making shellacked lunchboxes? My mom would give us magazines, scissors, and a metal lunchbox (now referred to as retro or vintage lunchboxes). We would cut out pictures and words and glue them on the metal box. Last, we applied clear glue to the rubber cement.
Today’s Vision Boards
Today’s vision boards are more sophisticated. The older way can include photos, words, and/or pictures. You can make them three-dimensional if you want to get creative. A board can include visuals of your personal or work life, health and fitness goals, travel, finances, and even food.
What I Love About Vision Boards
I believe in thinking positively and mentally focusing on what I need. When I was first widowed, I needed strength, focus, and a way to move forward. By waking up each morning and setting an intention for that day, I found it easier to make it through that day. And that day turned into another day and another day. I wish I could say all my days were better; they were not. But I did find myself taking time in the morning to ask for something I needed that day.
When I am feeling anxious or stressed or just having a bad day, and it seems that nothing is going right, I look to my vision board to refocus. After years of prodding my daughters to make one, this year, they both did. One of my daughters manifested something on her vision board every day. A few weeks later, it happened. Call it what you want, but if you can summon up the courage to believe and manifest what’s on your vision board, you never know how or when it will reveal itself.
Virtual Vision Board
This year, I decided to make a digital vision board. It’s the background on my iPhone. For so many of us who are on our phones all day, think how many times you will be looking at your board. I did mine on the Goodnotes app. The images and words came from Pinterest. Search for the image you want with the word aesthetic, and you’ll come up with many options.
Manifesting Your Visions
Your board can be simple, or you can go all out and add embellishments. Maybe you are not into making a big production. Letterboards work just as well and are easy to change. If you prefer not to print out your Virtual board, make it a screensaver on your desktop or background on your smartphone. This is a subconscious reminder whenever you look at your phone or your background.
As long as it is in a place where you will see it every day, you will be able to focus on your goals.
Have you made a Vision Board this year? I would love to see yours.
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