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Latkes, Vodka & More
I’ve been testing out various Hanukkah recipes for this year’s holiday. Do I stick with tradition? Do I try some modern takes on recipes? After a week in the kitchen, I came up with a balance.
Main dish
Although I am a pescatarian, my kids are not. Plus I have a few extra guests that are not Jewish. For that reason, I really want to give them the full traditional Hanukkah food experience combined with some non-traditional options. I prepare my brisket in advance and then freeze it until the day before. My recipe is a traditional Brisket With Caramelized Onions.
Latke Charcuterie Board
This year, if you’ve read my other Hanukkah blogs, I am going all out. My inspiration for a latke charcuterie board came from the blog Ain’t Too Proud To Meg. It would be perfect for displaying the various latkes I made. Of course, there would be classic potato latkes. But I also love trying new variations. I know asparagus latkes sound off putting, but they were quite good. I will add in zucchini latkes for my next board.
It would be the perfect vehicle for displaying various latke Hanukkah recipes. My latke charcuterie board included:
- Potato latkes
- Cauliflower& potato latkes
- Asparagus latkes
- Sweet Potato Parsnip Latkes
- Sour cream
- Applesauce
- Chopped egg yolks and egg whites
- Lox
- Capers
- Caviar
- Chives
- Sliced apples
- Sweet potato chips
- Bagel chips
- Pomegranate seeds
- Whitefish salad
- Tomatoes
- Cucumbers
For those that thrive on creativity, using a cutting board as your canvas filled with colorful and delicious traditional and not-so-traditional Hanukkah foods allows for your own artistic take.
The board that Ain’t Too Proud To Meg used was more rectangular than circular. I ordered my 19” circular board from Sur la table. In retrospect, I will use a rectangular board when I recreate the board for Hanukkah.
My thought is I need additional real estate to work with. Furthermore, when I assemble it again, I will omit the apples and sweet potato chips and add in more lox and bagel chips. The other items were visually appealing adding texture and color so if you are looking to create something more artistic, then keep those items.
Vodka Hanukkah Recipes
Again, my daughters are grown which allows for a different take on our celebration. So to add in the traditional Hanukkah colors of blue and gold, I decided to make some adult beverages.
Hanukkah Gelt Cocktail – Made with vodka, chocolate liqueur, and Goldschlager liqueur. The drink was good but next time, I am going to rim the martini glass with gold sanding sugars.
Hypnotiq cocktail with vodka – This was also a fun drink. Next time, I will rim the martini glass with silver sanding sugar.
Dessert Charcuterie
Keeping with the whole charcuterie board theme, I had a local business, The Hodge Podge Baking Co., make up my board. It had chocolate pops, white chocolate dipped Oreos with blue sprinkles, Rice Krispie treats dipped in blue chocolate and decorated with white fudge, and the most amazing white chocolate-coated graham crackers… complete chocolate and buttery sugar goodness. Last year, I also ordered from this business and it included chocolate bombs.
I also included Hanukkah Marzipan Sufganiyot from Peace, Love, Light. Personally, baking is not my forte but if you are a baker, there are plenty of options. Ain’t Too Proud to Meg also has a Hanukkah recipe for a dessert board.
You could also get Hanukkah chocolate-covered Oreos, and hot cocoa bombs, and add in mini marshmallows. Amazon has many options including blue and white M&M’s, candy canes (which I hung on my Hanukkah tree. Most local grocery stores are also selling Hanukkah-themed cookies. Don’t forget jelly donuts a tradition at Hanukkah.
Hanukkah greetings for love, peace, and happiness! ????☮ ????
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