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Great Finds From Etsy
Both of my adult kids are home temporarily living with me. They have bedrooms but we needed a work from home space. Suddenly the house seems more crowded. Everyone is having zoom calls and meetings on speakerphones. We’re here to help make this a comfortable transition for you and your family by setting up a home or study office. Of course, if your kids are like mine, they have a very specific idea of their workspace decor. With that in mind, they make it easy to create a peaceful setting with the help of Etsy.
How can you turn your personal space into a workspace to increase productivity while also ensuring you can separate work from your downtime? It’s a question that many people are currently asking. We’ve mapped out an easy and cost-efficient way to do so by bringing you our suggestions from Etsy. What we love about Etsy, besides its prices, is that it consists of a community of creative people that turn their ideas into businesses. You have this community of sellers that is more of a virtual global marketplace.
Desk & Accessories
Desk: If your student does not already have a desk, I am sure you have seen how hard it is to find one. We ended up buying a simple desk which was made in the UK. It arrived in a week and a half (as opposed to the months’ backorders of desks from bigger online retailers). It is a simple-looking desk; all we had to do was attach the legs.
Laptop Stand: – Sitting at a desk all day takes its toll on our bodies. This stand elevates your laptop so it is perfect eye level and prevents you from hunching over your screen, which reduces neck and shoulder pain.
Chair/Seat Pad: Since you’ll be sitting at a desk most of the day, you might want to incorporate a pad for your chair to help eliminate the stress put on your back. We recommend an orthopedic approved cushion that won’t take long to ship directly and is only $30!
Create A Work Mood
Once you have your desk and chair set, the hard part is done. The next best thing is to add items that help ease anxiety while also creating a mood for productivity.
Lamp: Having a simple desk lamp creates natural light which is known to stimulate mental health. Something with a clean design will minimize the cluttered look while also providing light exposure for your workday.
Plants and more plants: Greenery in the workspace is known to increase productivity and decrease stress during your day. We like these as they have a clean finish to them and offer a variety of looks. You can combine them too if you have space!
Moss Wall Art – I discovered moss wall art at a Farmer’s Market and fell in love with the dimensional aspect of his work. He can do custom work; I had this heart and a peace sign designed for my office.
Office Supplies Holder: Keeping your desk clean and organized will reduce your stress and increase focus while also making sure you can keep track of everything. We like this mason jar set for your pens, scissors, highlighters, etc., and this rose gold organizer should you have folders and post-its that need to be placed in arms reach.
Inspirational Quotes: Without cluttering your desk since we want to focus on keeping it as neat as possible, having one or two inspirational sayings around you can help you get through that 3 pm slump or times where you need to get your focus back on track. Each person has different quotes that inspire them, but here are a couple of ones that are bound to keep the hustle going.
Do What is Right, Not What is Easy
It is important to realize that everyone has their own individual personality. That will guide the items you wish to have. With this in mind, focus on the key points above. Consider what each item can do for your level of productivity while working or studying from home. You can always add based on the space that you have to work with it. This is a great starting point for those adjusting to virtual school or work from home.
Jordan Weinsoff
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