Here are Ways to Beat Stress at School
Stress. It happens to all of us, including our kids. As though a full schedule and trying to maintain a social life isn’t enough to cause a little anxiety, now our students have completed mid-terms and before you know it will be preparing for finals. Fortunately, UCF is on top of it, offering various programs, workshops, training, and suggestions; most of which are free to our Knights.
**While classes have been forced to go online, most of the usual opportunities for counseling and stress reduction may not be available. However; UCF is prepared with other counseling options. You may also want to check out ways to Excell in Online Classes to avoid some of that stress.
UCF presents a variety of Wellness Workshops that are free to registered students using their NID and NID password. One 45 minutes to an hour workshop is called A New Perspective: Stress and How to Manage It. I imagine most of our kids can use this one. They also offer events specifically for stress management. There is quite a list ranging from Taking Charge of Social Anxiety to Paws-A-Tively Stress-Free, which uses human-animal interactions to help reduce stress (it really works). UCF students can also engage in Online Relaxation Training. There are five downloadable techniques including breathing, muscle relaxation, autogenics, and guided imagery offered to help the user learn and practice relaxation techniques designed to manage stress.
More Ways
Check out Breathe2Relax, a portable stress management tool that provides information on the effects of stress on the body, instructions, and practice exercises to help users learn the stress management skill called diaphragmatic breathing. It is available on iTunes and Google Play. Students can also visit the nearest Relaxation Station, a FREE walk-in service available to all students, during regular business hours. Simply clip the HeartMath sensor to your ear and then connect it to an Ipad or iPhone (iPads are provided or you can use your own Apple device). Hours and to find the nearest Relaxation Station on campus (there are about six).
HaveuHeard that UCF also offers a Biofeedback Program, a relaxation training program? Biofeedback is a one-on-one counselor assisted training program which educates students on how to implement relaxation techniques that work them individually. Six sessions are recommended (and if paid upfront it is $50, otherwise it is $10 a session.)
Counseling is always available to students Monday through Friday as well. To find out how to get started with counseling on campus click here.
UCF offers guided meditation weekly at 8 – 8:30 am at Union West 2nd floor, RWC @ Downtown.
There are, of course, the regular standbys, like using the amazing fitness facilities on campus. My daughter has taken up paddle-boarding in the lake on campus when she needs to release a little tension. Amongst many other classes, there are plenty of yoga and meditation classes on or near campus as well. To learn more about the fitness options at UCF check out our blog on Staying Fit while at school or our own personal guide to Yoga Classes. **Some of these classes are online while classes are online.
You can also remind your students of the basics rules of preventing stress like eating well and getting enough sleep, avoiding procrastination, and staying away from stimulants (drinking coffee and energy drinks to fuel late-night study binges can inevitably lead to a crash later on). Of course, setting realistic expectations is also wise, but they may have stopped listening by the word procrastination. It is obvious that UCF really cares about our Knights and realizes that their lives, like everyone else, can get stressful. The key is learning to work through it.
Please note that UCF is particularly in tune with the stress finals may bring about and they offer events like:
- The Final Countdown: Preparing for Finals, Friday, April 9, 2020 – to regain control and make finals a week of success.
UCF programs, From Caring, Comes Courage” and ”UCF Cares” provides resources to students in the following areas:
Safety and Wellbeing:
- Student care: Their mission is to intervene before a student reaches a crisis level and ensures the safety of both the student and the UCF community.
- Bias incident: Justice for All Knights addressing instances of bias on campus.
- Getting enough to eat: Knights Helping Knights Pantry is a student-run initiative that provides food and toiletries to fellow Knights in need.
- Financial or housing crisis can assist with finding temporary housing, financial support, and academic resources.
- Violence Prevention: Call the confidential 24/7 Advocacy and Support hotline at 407-823-1200.
- Sexual violence: This website describes reporting options, resources, and rights for students who have been victims of sexual misconduct or harmful behaviors
- Lets be clear: Including sexual assault, stalking, and harassment
Mental Health
- Counseling and Psychological Services – The first time you go to counseling you show up one hour early to take a small survey about you and your medical history (mental) and then you meet with a random counselor who basically learns about you and why you are coming in. Then based on those two things they assign you a counselor that you are able to schedule appointments with. They also provide mental health screenings online as well as online therapy assistance.
- TAO – Online Counseling Services
- CAPS Outreach Presentations
Dealing with an immediate crisis: If you are in crisis and need immediate help, call or simply walk into the counseling center during normal business hours. Inform the receptionist that you are experiencing a crisis, and they will make every effort to respond to your situation as quickly as possible. For after-hours services, call 407-823-2811 and press #5 to be connected to a live clinician who is available to assist as needed. Make an appointment.
Making Healthcare and Psychiatry Appointments: “Student Health Services provides a variety of primary and specialty care services to help keep students at their optimum health. Appointments are FREE for UCF students who have paid the activity and service fee.”
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Academic support
- Requesting accommodations
- Support groups
- Group counseling
- Alcohol and other drugs
- Collegiate recovery community
Additional services:
- Legal guidance
- Employment
- Veterans and dependents
- Community resources
Perhaps preparing for a stressful semester would work best by taking a stress-busting class too. Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.
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