Update on Latest Plans
Seems like finding the right update in this unusual time is tricky. I don’t think I have ever used the word unprecedented as much as I have since this pandemic began. Actually, I don’t believe I ever used the word pandemic much either. However; it is real and regardless of what these unprecedented times have brought to you and your family, the fall semester will begin before we know it and it is important that we stay up to date on the latest plans and procedures at UCF.
At present, UCF will remain online throughout the rest of the summer while administrators are communicating with government officials about necessary safety measures and health protocols for the return to campus. Updates change, well, frankly, like the wind, but here are some important parts. On-campus COVID-19 and antibody testing are available through a partnership with Aventus Biolabs in UCF Parking Garage A. There are also additional testing sites, some of which are drive-thru. Appointments will be available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday in the parking lot behind UCF Lake Nona Cancer Center. For details, visit aventushealth.com or call the UCF COVID Line at 407-823-2509.
General COVID questions can be sent to covid19questions@ucf.edu. The following numbers may be useful as well:
- Orange County Coronavirus Call Center: 407-723-5004
- Florida Department of Health COVID-19 Call Center: 866-779-6121
Obviously, any student that believes they have been exposed should self-quarantine, but UCF also asks that students notify them by calling the UCF hotline. Rest assured that confidentiality laws prohibit them from disclosing students’ identity; however, it would be helpful if at-risk students also notify anyone they may have been in contact with since exposure so they too can isolate.
And then there is the mask thing. Just wear it and encourage others to wear it too so we can just get to the end of this thing. UCF is asking all their students to “Armor Up” by wearing masks…. and washing your hands and practicing social distancing. UCF will even provide free masks to all their students; they will even have them in vending machines throughout campus.
But, if you have to wear one, perhaps make your face-covering a bit more fashionable, and then it might not feel awkward. It will be mandatory to wear a face-covering if you get lucky enough to have a class on campus, but any class with over 100 students will be taught remotely. Classroom capacity has been revised to reflect physical distancing as well. There is no doubt that the fall semester will look different starting with the new safety measures UCF has put in place. Students will still be able to participate in organizations, clubs, events, and activities – some virtually and others in person using proper social distancing. As for football and tailgating…. well, it isn’t looking very good.
Housing has reduced occupancy, implemented space and amenity restrictions, and increased cleaning and disinfecting.
Fall courses are a mix of in a classroom, hybrid learning, and online; although from what we are seeing as students have already registered, there are apparently more classes online than on campus. There will be virtual options for things like orientation, academic advising, exercise, health, and counseling. Find out what is actually open and what events have been canceled before heading out.
Fraternity and Sorority Life will be quite different, but it will still exist. Recruitment will still happen, but virtually and all events will have to be registered with the UCF and meet specific protocols.
You may want to check out some of our other blogs to help get you through these unprecedented times. Yup, there’s that word again.
- How to Excel in Online and Virtual Classes
- Online Test Taking
- Should my Student Go Back to School This Fall?
- Want to Get Back the Security Deposit
- Dealing With Uncertainty
- Creating Work and Study Home Space
You can find or a more detailed look at UCF’s Return to Campus Plan for Fall 2020 but don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the resources above with any questions. We all want to remain safe and healthy and bring this to a successful end and put the U and P words in our past.
Stay safe and healthy.
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