
Advice to My Freshman Self

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What Every Freshman Should Know

As a sophomore looking back at my freshman year, I can easily think of advice that I would give my freshman self. Freshman year in college can be stressful, but with some strong guidance, this uncertain feeling can be reduced.

Here is the best advice that I could give my freshman self:

  • Get involved and take advantage of the many student resources on campus, including clubs, professional help, and tutoring. Read our blog on getting involved. There is an abundance of student clubs and organizations on campus. Getting involved allows new students to meet and interact with people that share a common interest.
  • Make as many connections and network as possible. You never know where one of your college relationships could lead in life, so getting your name out there is the first step in finding an internship or job.
  • Do not be afraid to fail.  It is good to take risks, even if it results in failure because you are at least trying something new. And oftentimes, failure makes you stronger and may open the door to other opportunities.
  • Never be afraid to ask questions.  It is okay to not understand something or to want clarification.
  • Step out of your comfort zone. Trying and doing new things can be scary at first, but once you put yourself out there, you will be able to grow personally.
  • Never give up whether dealing with rushing or academics. The workload of college may be more rigorous compared to high school, but it is important to always try.
  • Give everything your best effort. It is important to always display initiative and show others that you are not giving up.
  • Limit all stress when it arises. Stress is not healthy and can lead to poor grades or unhealthy living habits. Find ways to deal with stress.
  • Take care of yourself. It is important to make sure you are eating properly, sleeping sufficiently, and monitoring the heat. Since you are away from home, you can’t rely on your parents to take care of you.
  • Check out our bucket list and do it all!

I can’t go back to my freshman year but I believe that these pieces of advice will help your freshman year in college be a success.

Carter Krouse, UM Intern

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2020-08-06T21:22:09-04:000 Comments

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