Celebrate the Holidays with a New Community
Generally, our kids get to come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but for those who celebrate the upcoming Jewish High Holidays, it may be your first one without your students at your holiday table. While it may feel strange having that empty seat, it can feel better to know that they are celebrating the high holidays with a new community of their peers. You may want to let them know they exist and then hope that they will choose to participate.
Not all colleges give days off for every holiday. Students can certainly inform their professors, in advance, of their absence for the high holiday, but chances are class will go on and they will be responsible for any work. Even if they do get a day or two off, it is not always enough time to travel back home. This is another reason it is nice to know that there is a place for students to go even if just for a festive meal.
There are delivery services that can bring your student a treat of your choice though. Check out our blog on Delivery Services. Or consider ordering a prepared care package. Somehow sending a care package as a gentle reminder of the holiday may push them towards the Hillel or Chabad a bit faster.
While in college, away from familial control, it’ll be extremely difficult to follow the fasting rule or go to synagogue at all. However, as they begin their new and independent lives, this too is part of the learning process. Just remember, even if they choose to skip what is the norm for your family while away at school, this doesn’t necessarily mean they are abandoning all that you taught them throughout their childhood.
Your college also has university-specific information, so click on your university below to learn more.
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