Sick at School
It’s bound to happen. At some point, while our kids are at college, the phone will ring and suddenly our mature, independent college student will sound like a preschooler again. There is little worse than when they tell you how sick they feel and you are far away. Hopefully, and most likely, their illness will be a result of their new-found independence and can be cured quickly and easily.
Sometimes their sickness may need care that is available right on campus, but other times they need something faster or more specialized. In a world of walk-in clinics and dial-a-doctor, we have sorted it out for you. We include, as well, emergency services, where to get a flu shot and information about how you can talk with their doctor, even if they are over eighteen. Of course, we think chicken soup cures just about everything, so we may have provided that information too.
One takeaway we can take from the coronavirus in the hope that students will now have a very clear idea of what proper hygiene entails and that they act upon the suggestions we have repeatedly stated in the past.
- Washing hands – Whether they sing a song in their head or set a timer, we all now know that washing hands well and often is the best way to prevent the spread of germs.
- Do not touch your face with your hands – another very clear message that hopefully got through. Touching your face is the fastest way for germs to spread.
- Disinfect items that are handled often – their doorknobs, light switches, computer keyboard, and mouse.
- Keep their room clean – use antibacterial wipes to wipe down the room, wash sheets and towels, dirty dishes.
- Wear the shower shoes to the bathroom and in the shower.
- Don’t share towels, soap, cups, pillows.
- Avoid sick people – this is often easier said than done as sometimes it is hard to know who is sick but if their roommate or friend is sick, certainly offer to bring them a meal from the dining hall or some soup or pick up some over the counter medicine but try to keep your distance.
- Go to a health center or a doctor when you are sick. The university student health center or local walk-in clinics can be good choices.
- Get sleep – Being sleep deprived reduces their immunity and they are more apt to get sick. Taking vitamins or immunity booster medicine is a great idea as well.
- Eat healthily – okay it is college and there are late-night pizza runs, burgers, and fries but eating healthy and drinking a lot of water more regularly will help keep them healthy too.
- Exercise – Exercise has also been shown to build a healthy immune system.
- Finally, remind your students to notify their professor if they will be missing classes and unable to get work done on time. Including a doctor’s note is encouraged.
We share local health center info links, local clinics, important paperwork to give to professors all in each university blog.
For school-specific information, check out each university.
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