We Still Love to Visit Our Students
In all likelihood, the spring semester will look similar to the fall semester so you might as well decide to visit. Some may accuse me of being a negative Nellie; I prefer to just think of it as being prepared. Are you going to go a whole semester without seeing your student or are you going to strap on your face covering and go? Chances are you are going to visit your student, but truly there is no judgment if you choose not to. I, myself, am still struggling with the decision. If you do go, we got ahead of you and found some of the best and safest places to visit while you’re there. Of course, they are mostly outdoors, but we think that is a bonus.
Before you visit, the first step is to book your hotel. We feel pretty confident that just about every place has bumped up their cleaning and sanitizing, but you might want to find out exactly how much before you choose. Finding out which restaurants have outdoor dining can save time when you get hungry. Many restaurants have created some sort of outdoor space for dining, others have fashioned divided spaces separating tables and avoiding crowded areas. For the cooler weather, many places have invested in space heaters so you can dine outside right into the cooler months. There are parks for picnics, outdoor markets, hiking trails, bike rentals, beaches, maybe even a drive-in movie, and other things to do that are considered safer activities during these unusual times. One of the best parts of visiting our students at college is seeing them in the new setting, but this doesn’t have to end. They can certainly still give you a tour of the campus, now that they know it better than when they first arrived. Of course, the important part is being together, but doing it safely will surely make it a better trip all around.
Find out what safe activities are going on around your student’s college before you visit.
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