Getting Accepted to The College of Your Choice
So you want to be an …. Owl, Nole, Gator, Knight, Bull, Osprey, Dawg, Terp, Hoosier, and more. There is so much to consider when choosing what colleges to apply to but, when you get that list together, there are usually one or two that are on top. Most students decide early on that they want to be Nole, Terp, Gator, and so on. The big question is “What is it going to take to get accepted?” While there are no guarantees, there are definitely specifics that each college looks for.
Test scores and high school grades fall into ranges that shift slightly each year depending on who got accepted the year before. These are all estimates, of course, but the statistics provide a clear idea of where you will need to be. Many schools also want to know more about a student than just their scores.
It often helps to be involved in clubs, teams, and/or organizations to show you have a passion for something other than schoolwork. Don’t just join; lead. Show them that you are not just a member, but a leader in some way by taking a leadership position in a club or team. And, should you not have a leadership position, you’ll want to explain that. My daughter had over 800 students in her high school and, while she did run for positions, it was extremely competitive. She noted that in the additional information section of the application.
Colleges also commonly take a look at the classes you are taking in high school. It isn’t enough to get all A’s. Often, they would rather see a B in a higher-level class than in a class that should be rather simple. Let’s face it, an A in basket-weaving is hardly as impressive as a C in AP Physics. Show some rigor in your schedule.
This year, in particular, the college application essay is more important than ever and most applications require it. Occasionally, it will be considered optional but if you write a good essay, it could override a few not so stellar grades or scores. Some colleges aren’t even looking at scores this year, but the essay allows students to stand out as more than grades and test scores. It is a chance to be different than the other few thousand applying. It is also literally the most personal part of an application. There is a lot to know about writing a great college application essay. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. We recommend Essential Essays College Essay Consulting, assisting students with brainstorming, planning, and writing college essays that will reveal their personality and give their applications a positive edge.
Find out what it takes to get into the schools you are interested in.
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