A Tour Can Help You Make Your College Decision
You may have already toured some of the colleges your student is considering, but once the acceptances start coming in, students have to make decisions as to where they envision themselves for real. Your students may have specific things that will help them weigh out the pros and cons of each college and they may be rather diverse from the things that you are interested in for them. Either way, taking a tour can help make a big decision.
Be sure to go with a list of questions, but not the kind of questions that you can google answers to. The only bad questions are the ones not asked. Is Greek life important to your student? If so, you are going to want to see where all that happens. My first experience seeing a fraternity house sort of turned my stomach, whereas it made my son even more thrilled to join a fraternity. You see; different ideas.
Perhaps your student has a health condition that makes having specific health center capabilities nearby of great importance. If so, go check it out. Call in advance to see if you can tour, although it isn’t likely in today’s climate, it can’t hurt to call and ask a few questions.
Finally, try to get a tour of the dorms. Where they will live can make a big difference to students (and parents). Every school has its highlights. Maybe it is the stadium, or the dorms, or the overall beautiful campus, the clubs, or possibly an unusual major you can’t find elsewhere. Take a look at the colleges you are considering so you can make an educated decision.
There were many students who did not have the opportunity to tour each campus this past year. While we are cautiously optimistic that may change, traveling to visit these schools is a different story. Fortunately, there are resources for taking not only virtual tours through the colleges themselves (link on your student’s college above) but also through CampusReel and YouVisit.
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