Grocery Stores, Because A Kids Gotta Eat
On-campus or off, meal plans, or not, your student will need to get groceries at some point in time. Most campuses have a fair amount of grocery stores close to campus and some even provide transportation to and from them. Some stores have an app to pre-shop to save time. And most today have apps that offer special discounts and exclusive deals, so make sure your student takes advantage of this and downloads them! Even though you think these things should go without saying, we know our kids sometimes need some reminders.
Perhaps your student needs a specialty store that carries gluten-free items or specific ethnic foods; we try to list where to find those types of things too. Many students like to visit stores that allow all-in-one shopping; groceries, extra socks/underwear, toiletries, school supplies, etc. In addition to downloading apps that help you save money or receive discounts when you go to the grocery store, there are apps that will help you if you are unable to make it to the store. As a college student, it may not always be the easiest to have access to a car to take trips to the grocery store or even have the time to go to the grocery store. Apps such as Instacart and Shipt can deliver groceries right to your dorm! Instacart allows you to shop virtually at the grocery store or your choice and pick a delivery time that best works for you.
Click on your university for more specific information about grocery stores.
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