Your Safety Net – Emergency Relief Options
These unprecedented times, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, have left some students facing new challenges. The colleges recognize this and are updating their websites to offer additional information and offer a safety net for students. Like the news, the material changes rapidly and HaveUHeard is doing its best to pass along resourceful and factual information.
Most schools have set up Emergency Relief Funds safety net for students that are unable to work or are simply feeling a strain on their finances due to these uncertain times. Schools are focusing on matters concerning food insecurity, medical bills, availability of technology, and housing assistance. If your student needs to apply for emergency funds, this is where you will want to start. Perhaps your situation is better than others… Please consider donating to support other students. Visit your school’s website at the following links:
They are also concerned with the undue stress students may presently be facing, whether it be from suddenly having to take all their classes online or something else. Find out what your school is doing; whether it is a food pantry or refunds on dorm fees.
Questions in regard to scholarships and financial aid may be uncertain now; and like everything else, constantly changing. For those parents or students who declined Financial Aid, never filled out their FAFSA for 2020-2021, or have a change to their financial situation, you will want to read our financial aid blog for revising your prior FAFSA or filling it out for the first time. The deadline at this time in Florida is May 15, 2020 (date processed). The Federal deadline is June 30, 2020, however, you may also want to check with your students’ university as some schools may have their own deadline.
It is important to check the financial aid on the student portal and determine whether you will need the safety net of additional financial assistance. Each school may have different guidelines in this respect too. Students can also fill out a financial aid revision petition.
Colleges are implementing a refund plan for unused meal plans and housing, even if students have not yet been able to clean out their dorm rooms. Information on your schools’ policy regarding 2020 housing and dining refunds, rebates, or credits can be found at each particular school. There will also be directions as to how each school is completing safe move out procedures for each student. What to do with all their stuff once they can move it out maybe a question as well; however many storage facilities are still making themselves available.
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