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A Prescription For Feeling Better
My prescription for staying healthy, besides environmental exposure, is a direct correlation between my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Now when I am getting sick, I take homemade natural remedies that are definitely palatable but better yet, work.
My Achilles Heel
My Achilles heel is respiratory infections. Trust me when I say I try to do everything and anything within my power to not get sick. Even pre-Covid, I was disciplined about keeping my hands away from my face. I owe thanks to a great friend who is an infectious disease nurse. During one bad bout of a lingering cough, she explained to me why most of us get sick.
It’s all about touching your hands to your eyes, mouth, nose. You get it. Consequently, I learned to cough into the crease of my elbow. I tried really hard to be cognizant of not touching my face. And, of course, washing hands plays a pivotal role (like we haven’t now all had that drilled into our heads). And, for the most part, I tend to only get a bad cold/cough once a year. But, it can stick around for up to a month.
Cold-Busting- Immunity Building Tea
Today, there are many cultures that use herbs & spices to heal quicker. This recipe came from my daughter’s friend who prefers homemade natural remedies over modern medicine. Of course, this is not a substitute for taking prescription meds. For bacteria infections, it is often needed. This is a drink that I have shared with many people all to raving reviews of its effectiveness.
Don’t let the list of ingredients scare you. The truth is it concerned me too but it really was not bad at all.
Serving size: 2 cups of tea
- 2-3 cinnamon sticks
- Half an onion (skin on)
- 1 whole lemon (peel skin and squeeze juice into water WITH the peel)
- A bunch of turmeric
- 4-6 cloves garlic
- Half root ginger
- Put 2 cups water in a pot
- Add in ingredients above except for garlic
- Bring to boil on medium to medium-low heat and add in garlic
- Let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes
- Strain the liquid into a separate small saucer or cup
I typically make double the recipe. Some will add in a teabag. Others have followed the above recipe using broth. I made it with water and it was tasty. To me, it had an apple cider type of vibe to it. No matter, I drank it for two days straight and was able to get rid of my cough in record time for me.
Now I feel compelled to share it with others.
Of course, the medicinal use of plants dates back centuries. My own aunt, who is about to turn 93, has practiced a form of Eastern medicine throughout her life. She is very healthy and of sound mind and body, although she says she has slowed down a bit. I put a lot of faith in her approach because she is a walking example.
Liquid Gold
Okay, not real gold. It’s what I call my chicken soup. My mom calls it Jewish penicillin. She taught me how to make homemade chicken soup and it’s a recipe that has been passed down to her grandchildren (along with their own Le CreusetⓇ Stock Pot)
Here is her chicken soup recipe that is both healing and delicious. I now freeze them in a Souper cubes freezer tray with lids.
Preventative Care
To help ward off illness, I’ve had great results taking Source Naturals Wellness Formula. It has been a strong herbal defense supplement that was recommended to me by a local natural health food store. Two a day for prevention, but when you feel yourself coming down with something, you take 24 in one day (obvs space them out) for two days. It works amazingly well for most everyone I have recommended it to. Some have complained about the garlic they can taste. I don’t find it that intolerable.
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