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Not All Classrooms Have Four Walls
Study Abroad programs are quite popular. Most programs were paused for 2020, but they are reopening up again. My daughter studied abroad and had an amazing experience.
Trust me when I say your student will come to you when they learn about their university’s programs. And, after a year plus of lockdowns, your decision may be complicated. I look back and am so grateful she had the opportunity to travel. Would I come to the same decision now? Absolutely!
Why I Said Yes
I never studied abroad but had friends that did, or who did a semester at sea program. Their stories and pictures always fascinated me. But, it is daunting to think your child is halfway across the world. Most universities have their own sponsored programs. Students can also choose from other studies abroad programs.
Traveling to Europe and other international countries has been my dream. Although I did not have the financial means or wherewithal to study abroad, I did not want that to be a determining factor. We live in uncertain and sometimes frightening times, so the decision to send your student abroad is very personal and weighted by your family’s world views and experiences.
Having exposure to a global society, traveling throughout Europe, strengthening her foreign language skills all were on my list of pros. My fear for her safety was the only con I could come up with except for the fact that I had not traveled much. We had many discussions and agreed she would pay for part of the summer.
What sealed the deal was my decision to turn this into an opportunity for a Mother-Daughter trip and go abroad two weeks prior to the start of her program.
How Much Does It Cost
Tbh, study abroad programs are pricey. It is important to remember that while Florida Prepaid, and the new changes made to Bright Futures, may be used, weigh out your options as to whether you want to use these funds. I bring this up because you should consider whether the total prepaid credit hours you purchased will cover your student’s four years. If they are taking more than the 152 credit hours (many do), upper-level courses will cost more per credit hour than the lower-level credits. It may make sense to save the prepaid for those classes rather than apply it to the cost of studying abroad. You do have the option not to use the Prepaid for Summer Abroad.
My daughter’s six-week program cost well over $10K. You cannot put a price tag on the study abroad experience she had.
Study Abroad Gift Guide
They are going to learn very quickly the art of packing light. My daughter’s packing skills are so on point now. Her sister is the queen of overpacking and I fall in the middle. She said her weekend trips from her study abroad experience taught her to just pack essentials.
Our gift guide is filled with curated picks to help them plan, pack and document this amazing experience.
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