Where are the Safe Places to Go
Safe, sane, and happy? As colleges devise plans to reopen in the fall, they are also coming up with ways to keep our students safe, sane, and healthy. However, no matter what rules they come up with and how many masks they distribute; students have to adhere to them if they are going to be effective. Sadly, as soon as the bars opened in one college town; they were packed with mask-free college students desperate for some long-awaited fun, and within a week, students started to test positive for Covid19.
We are not judging, by any means; we too are a bit anxious to see friends and get out of the house. We also understand that college is not solely about getting a degree. Perhaps there are some other options to overcrowded bars and frat parties that will offer college students some safer alternatives for entertainment. We realize a hike through a park isn’t exactly a fair comparison to, let’s say, a good pre-game, but what if that pre-game is outside? Better? Perhaps a bit.
Recently a friend posted photos of a party they allowed their teenagers to have in their backyard. Each guest was required to wear…no, not a mask, because they haven’t yet figured out how to get a drink-through them yet, but instead they all wore these silly-looking contraptions around their waists made from pool noodles that poked out far enough that they were constantly reminded if they got closer than about 6 feet. I imagine there were a lot of laughs based on how funny the pictures looked, but I suppose when we get desperate for fun, we are willing to wear just about anything.
What is the Safest Way?
So, should we all start constructing pool-noodle-waist-bands for our returning college students? The truth is, they are only, like a mask, effective if they wear them. Certainly, we can encourage safety procedures and send gallons of anti-bacterial and Clorox wipes too. The colleges are trying their best to come up with the safest strategies; however, it’s not enough to limit protective guidelines to classrooms and residence halls and they don’t have control in private apartments or off-campus hangouts.
Given that being outside is all of our best bet at this point, we have come up with a list of places near each campus that students can go to look for a little diversion from studying. Of course, this doesn’t mean they should head out in droves, but we also know that we can put the ideas out there; they are adults now and will make their own choices. Check out your school’s blog on Where’s Safe.
Of course, if you notice that your student is experiencing any type of stress or anxiety from the new rules on campus, there are resources available. Learn more in our blog The Stress Happens to All.
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