HaveUHeard Shares Helpful University Info
It looks like these unprecedented times mean that just about everything these days is online. That would include Orientation for freshmen and their parents. However, there is a lot of we can help you learn and hopefully answer some questions that Virtual Orientation for your university may not.
It is certainly possible that you have already toured the college your student will be attending, but now is when you are going to want specifics about the dorms. What size mattress does the room come with? Is there a refrigerator? Where are the best places to shop for all they will need? Actually, what will they really need? HaveUHeard has your back.
For school-specific information, check out each university.
For a student perspective, CampusReel provides tours as well giving students their view of campus life and their insight. Some of the universities don’t have as many videos but that’s what YouTube is for as well.
For school-specific information, check out each university.
Virtual University Tour
And if you haven’t gone on a tour of the school yet, perhaps you want to take a Virtual Tour. It’s nice to be able to picture where your student will be spending the next few years.
For school-specific information, check out each university.
Meal Plan
You probably want to know which meal plan, if any, your student should choose? What’s the difference and what do they include? What if they intend to join a sorority or fraternity; how will that affect their meal plan? All good questions.
For school-specific information, check out each university.
Did you notice a bank on campus? Is that the bank all students should use or can they stick with the one the family has been using all along? Why might it matter? Check out the blog on banking.
For school-specific information, check out each university.
Speaking of banking….how much money will your student need each week/month to get by? How much should you give them and how? Teaching them a budget can be a challenge, but it can be done.
For school-specific information, check out each university.
What about taxes? Are there forms you should be hanging on to be sure you get those deductions. Or those dreaded FAFSA forms? The federal government offers various forms of financial aid for college students, including loans and scholarships.
For school-specific information, check out each university.
University Health Insurance
What about health insurance? Does the school require it? Does it require a specific kind? How will all that work, should your student get sick?
For school-specific information, check out each university.
Getting Sick on Campus
By the way, should they get sick, now that they are over 18 there are legal docs you may want them to sign so you can have access to things from medical records to financial aid? Be sure you have what you need before they head up to school. HaveUHeard has useful PDFs for both parents and students.
Safety Measures
And probably most important is keeping them safe. Every school has specific safety measures and emergency preparedness plans. It is important that every student is aware of these things and it will ease your mind knowing these protocols exist.
For school-specific information, check out each university.
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