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Indiana University
Indiana University 107 S. Indiana Avenue Bloomington, IN 47405-7000 Phone: 812-855-4848 Congratulations! If you are on this page, you probably have an IU student! Read on to find out the inside scoop! Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at
Hoosier, Ready for The Next Four Years?
Becoming a Hoosier If you have a student ready to spend the next four years at Indiana University Bloomington and plan to visit, get ready to get a glimpse of life as a Hoosier. IU’s traditions have been almost 200 years in the making. The Sample Gates are your welcoming entryway to IU, located in charming Midwestern Bloomington, approximately 50 miles south of Indianapolis. The university is set in a beautiful environment of rolling hills and limestone quarries. Considered by many as one of the most beautiful college towns in America. I may be partial seeing as I am from this area of the country but I think you will fall in love with the campus and its laid back Midwest attitude. Did You Know? IU was founded in 1820 and became one of the top public research universities in the world. While rankings can never tell the full story of a […]
Are You Ready For Some Football?
You can almost hear the crowd roar… ***Note: The Big Ten Council of President and Chancellors have decided to continue the football season starting on the weekend of October 23rd, 2020. Per Big Ten guidelines, football fans will not be allowed to the football games throughout the 2020 football season. Football players, coaches, trainers, and any other individuals that are on the field have to partake in daily antigen testing. If you are planning on attending any football games this fall, plan ahead!! If the crisp fall air and promise of changing foliage don’t draw you in, then make it about the spirit of the game, jump at the chance to order your tickets early, check out the 2020/2021 football schedule and order your tickets. You will be glad you did as hotels and tickets go fast. My choice of home games, and the top choice of many others, is the Penn State […]
First-Time Student Loan Borrower
You’ll Need to Do This. What is the Entrance Counseling? In July of 2016, the U.S. Department of Education made it a requirement that, in order to have student loans disbursed, all students must complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling. This counseling includes information needed to successfully repay the federal student loans they will be receiving to help pay for college costs. If you have not previously received a Direct Loan or Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL), the federal government requires you to complete entrance counseling to ensure that you understand the responsibilities and obligations you are assuming. You must complete entrance counseling before you can receive the proceeds of your first Direct Loan. If you are completing entrance counseling to borrow as an undergraduate student, then the entrance counseling will fulfill counseling requirements for Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans. If you are completing entrance counseling to borrow a loan as […]
Are Your Student’s Valuables Safe?
Suggestions to Protect their Valuables One more thing to worry about, is their stuff safe? When they were at home, you knew the valuables were safe, but now? Right up there with the call from my college daughter that she lost her phone, keys, student ID, (fill in the blank), is the call you get when they tell you someone took their cell phone, designer bag, or whatever valuable item your child has stolen. And it has been through tears and yelling about an item of hers being taken, that I find myself, once again, asking if she had kept their dorm door open and her valuables exposed. Freshman year, my daughter shared a room with a very nice girl; I would beg her to still put her valuables away, as her roommate often had friends over. At times the door was open for all who entered. She was warned many times […]
Beauty & The Beast
Look Your Beauty Best! When planning for college, we rarely think about the fact that our kids may still have to visit hair salons and barbershops or get the occasional manicure and so on. Let’s face it; they want to maintain their beauty, magnificence (and sometimes even hygiene). We certainly can’t expect them to go from August until Thanksgiving without maintaining their beauty routines. For your beauty & the beast, I’ve asked around and my daughter and her friends have tried many of these to upkeep their beauty routines. Barbers Bent Barber Shop – Located South College Avenue Bloomington Barber Shop – Located on East 3rd Street Colonial Barber Shop – Located on East Winslow Road #8638 Hoosier Barber Shop – Located on North Walnut Street Hot Rod’s Downtown Barber Shop – Located on North Walnut Street The Foxhole – Located on South Lincoln Street, a full-service family barbershop offering hip cuts, […]
Best Places to Study at IU
Finding a good place to study is very important for students. Finding a good place to study on campus is like the ultimate jackpot. While most students love to study at the library, I just can’t get myself to sit at an old wooden chair and stair at dusty books and grey walls, surrounded by my friends chattering. Hey, that works well for some students, but everyone has their own wants and needs when it comes to the perfect study location. I personally love a quiet spot, with good coffee, comfortable chairs, and good scenery. IU Campus IU is full of an abundant amount of adorable, hidden little rooms you never even knew existed. There are study areas on campus for literally every type of studier- the dark and quiet, the comfortable, the scenic, the outdoors- you name it, and IU has it. Art Museum– Inside the Art Museum also lies a […]
Books, Books, Books
To Buy or Rent books, That is the Question. One of the first things students need to accomplish to stay on top of things is getting all the right books. They are getting settled into their dorm, classes start the first week of school. The first week can be overwhelming for many, but as long as students stay organized, they will be just fine! Unlike high school, not every college class requires a textbook. I have found that most of the time throughout college, you will not need to open a textbook once; however, if a textbook is needed for a course, the professor will typically require it so the students know it is necessary. Books today come in many different forms and likewise can be purchased in a variety of ways – including rentals. Find specific textbooks for Indiana University classes. Deciding which is the most a) cost-efficient and b) the […]
Brunch is Breakfast plus Lunch plus Fun
“Brunch is breakfast without an alarm.” — Unknown While there are so many options for brunch in this small Midwestern town, these are just a few of the noted favorites. A majority of the restaurants are independently owned offering fresh ingredients from local vendors. Don’t forget weekend events can prompt long waits, call ahead for reservations. Bedrak Cafe – This a local modern American “brunchenette” and juicery on South Walnut Street in downtown Bloomington. With an extensive menu of moderately priced items including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. B Town Diner – Located on North Walnut Street, this diner is known for its “home cookin”. A no-frills eatery with a large menu offering something for everyone from Vegan Hippy Mash to Stuffed French Toast, all at the right price. Farm Bloomington – The eclectic farmhouse decor was what drew my daughter and me into this creative farm to table restaurant located on […]
Wakey Wakey- Eggs and Bakey Breakfast
Here are Our Favorites for Breakfast Like any small town, there are literally hundreds of dining options from fast food to fast-casual, from family-style to fine dining. Hungry for breakfast, you will find a restaurant for every palate and every price point, the options are plentiful. Consider price and time before you head out. It is not unusual for there to be a considerable wait, even with a reservation, especially on special event weekends. Best Restaurants Bedrock Cafe – This is a local modern American “brunchenette” and juicery on South Walnut Street in downtown Bloomington. With an extensive menu of moderately priced items including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. B-Town Diner – Located on North Walnut Street, this diner is known for its “home cookin”. A no-frills eatery with a large menu offering something for everyone from Vegan Hippy Mash to Stuffed French Toast, all at the right price. Bloomington Bagel Company […]
Learn to budget your money
The Money Budget Talk At orientation we were inundated with information about all sorts of things; from FAFSA forms to meal plans. No one ever really elaborated on the best way to budget and handle finances when it comes to how much to give your new student. Perhaps this is because it will vary based on need, ability, preparedness to handle the responsibility, what an allowance should cover, and so on. As we sat in orientation my daughter started picking at her gel manicure and asked how she was going to get to a manicurist? That is when I realized we really need a budget!! Budget 101. I wanted to sign her up right away but realized that it wasn’t just her that needed this class, but we, as her parents, needed to have a better handle on how much we would be doling out, how often and what the parameters for […]
Dropping a Class
Dropping, When Is it Time? When is the right time when dropping a class won’t hurt? There’s a point in every student’s college career where one class breaks you. For me, it was Business Calculus- and oh even typing those words still makes me cringe. I am a pretty good student, always have been. I work hard and study on a daily basis, but when I was taking business calculus- nothing was going my way. No matter how long and hard I studied, I did poorly on the tests. Yes, I know all “C’s get degrees.”, but this time I was struggling to even get a C while still maintaining my normal As in my other 4 classes. When I got back the grade from my 2nd test, I realized enough is enough. The pressure of this class was making me emotionally and physically drained- and nothing is worth my happiness. I […]
Computer and Phone Repair
When it breaks it is such an issue…Phone or Computer repair is needed! You can repair these costly devices! Sadly, I can’t even count the number of cracked screens and broken phones my sister and I have gone through. I swear I try to be as careful as I can, but sometimes it’s just inevitable. Sleeping on the top bunk in my sorority house is definitely a struggle and does not help in this situation. The number of phones I also see tumble out of girls’ purses as they exit Kilroy’s… not a good sight! I am on my phone or computer at all times. Even in class, many teachers have us check-in for attendance on different phone apps. If my phone or computer is not working properly- I am definitely stressed and concerned. In a way, my phone also gives me a sense of security, when I am walking alone I […]
Eating Healthy While at School
Healthy Eating, Not an Easy Feat! Can you eat healthy at college? It can be hard to eat healthfully when away at college. Meal plans, rushing to and from classes and activities, budgets, the amount of burger, pizza, and fast-food restaurants surrounding IU, and, of course, late-night food runs definitely compromise student’s plan to not gain the Freshman 15 and stay in shape. (Please note I did not mention the calories that come with a few drinks, but the reality is they often work into the equation.) Don’t get discouraged yet though. Today’s college students are demanding higher quality foods varied in taste and economically priced. There are several apps that many students can download for the latest promotions and deals at some of their favorite places. These include GoPuff, Hooked, and Pocket Points. Here are some of IU students’ favorites and a few ideas that may help your students stay on […]
Dance Marathon
You Can … If You Want To Maybe you have never even heard of Dance Marathon. If you have a student at IU, you will definitely want to know about this event, possibly donate to this event and encourage your student to get involved. Perhaps you have seen the Facebook posts from your student or friends’ kids that say #FTK or #ForTheKids. Maybe even fundraising pages for an event called Dance Marathon. This is college philanthropy at its best. Created to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in 1991, Dance Marathons are held at college campuses across the country to raise funds and awareness for more than 170 pediatric hospitals across North America. Dance The Night Away Dance Marathon, also known in Bloomington as IUDM, will take place in November of 2020. The number of participants, which includes dancers, staff, captains, and directors (overall) numbers more than 4,000 students. The 36-hour […]
Eating on a Budget
Teach Them Eating on a Budget and the Rest is Easy Eating on the run? Between grabbing a coffee on the way to class, going to Sunday brunches, picking up a meal to go on busy evenings, new clothes, and going out to the bars with friends, “budgeting” is oftentimes not a familiar word to students. That is until their parents get a hold of their credit card statements. It is definitely a lifestyle adjustment for some when on a budget, but it is more than possible at IU. The good news is that there are plenty of places around IU’s campus that make sticking to a budget possible- yes there are way more drink deals than food deals, but that’s a college town for you! There are also a few good tricks. For instance, if students have a meal plan, bring back a few snacks from the dining room for later. […]
What You Should Do Before Heading to Indiana
Before you leave… Before you leave to take your kid to college, there are a few items you will want to take care of that are extremely important. Most college students are 18, although a few are younger, which means they are considered to be legal adults. With that comes a whole lot of independence from their parents, regardless of who is footing the bill for their education. Unless they give you permission or their login information, you will be unable to have access to their health records, grades, pretty much anything that has HPPA laws behind it. Talk to your student about signing over permission for the college to speak with you. Make certain they understand that without that signed permission, everything, and we mean everything, pertaining to the college. From medical records to financial aid, it cannot be discussed with any other person but themselves. While you may be footing […]
Family Weekend at IU
Early Bird Gets the Weekend Deals My first experience with Parents Weekend meant booking a hotel a year in advance except, as it was my daughter’s freshman year, I missed the memo which is why I will encourage everyone else to book reservations for parents weekend in advance or you may be staying at a not so nice hotel outside of town. (Our blog on hotels may help.) Why do we race to find a hotel as soon as possible? Hotels in Bloomington, and anywhere within a twenty-mile radius, will sell out in minutes for this weekend. Prices will be inflated tremendously (as they are for all football weekends), but it never hurts to remain hopeful that there will be some fabulous deal. Although my eldest daughter and I both went for Parents Weekend and had a great time diving into life as a Hoosier, it is equally as fun on other […]
Entertainment, Fun Stuff to do!
Entertainment, Other Things You Can Do for Fun There is more than just football or basketball for entertainment around IU, in fact, the best part about IU is there’s always something to do. Now that’s entertainment! Bloomington Community Farmers Market – One of my favorite things to do on an early Saturday morning is to go to the Bloomington Community farmers market. This market is full of local, fresh bakery items and tons of fruits and veggies that come straight from the ground. It’s definitely my favorite spot to get a quick bite to eat before venturing out for a long day. Buskirk-Chumley Theater – known to most as “the Indiana”, the original theatre was built in 1922. Today, it is the primary venue for the Lotus World Music & Arts Festival, Cardinal Stage Company, the PRIDE Film Festival, and Indiana University’s African American Arts Institute, along with many other local and […]
Fix It! Fix it Good!
If It’s Broken, You Must Fix It Car, scooter, or bike, oh my! Fix-it and fix it right! At IU, you will find all in large numbers. Talk to any student about which is the most useful at IU and you’re likely to get an equal number of answers. No matter the transportation your student is using, they may, at some point, need a repair shop. There is nothing worse than having your main mode of transportation break down. Bike Shops Bloomington has a thriving cycling community, with Little 500, a bike race that draws more than 25,000 fans to IU each April. Bloomington offers lots of repair shops. Bikesmiths – 112 South College Avenue Bicycle Garage, Inc. – East Kirkwood Avenue Cycle – South Rogers Street Revolution Bike & Bean – East 10th Street Salt Creek Cycles – West Dodds Street, Monday-Friday by appointment only and Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. […]
FAFSA – all the details you need!
First Applicants Find Substantial Assets, FAFSA of course! FAFSA is the national Free Application for Federal Student Aid but, based on how aid is distributed, it may as well stand for First Applications Find Substantial Assets. Because aid is distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis, every student that hopes to receive aid for college must fill out this form to even be considered. Every college has its own deadline. IU’s school code is 001809. IU’s priority deadlines are April 15th each year. After April 15, applications are reviewed in the order they were received. Of course, if your student did not know if they were accepted back then, but they can speak with the Office of Financial Affairs to update their application if your circumstances have changed substantially from what was reported on the Federal Income tax return for the year submitted. If your student has not yet filled out FAFSA, do it […]
Homecoming at IU
Homecoming- It’s about the game. Homecoming…no, not the kind where our kids announce they are coming home for the weekend…Homecoming at IU is exciting. From the tailgates that lead to the big football game to the big parade filled with floats and bands and all that jazz; there is plenty to do and the excitement is contagious. Whether you are an alumnus and have already fallen in love with the tradition or a student who will learn to love it, be prepared for a weekend full of exciting events. Please note: Since all football games have been postponed, so has Homecoming. Stay tuned for more information. Rich in heritage, Homecoming includes a Friday night parade, an event that showcases IU student groups and local community organizations, a pep rally, homecoming court, where the King and Queen are crowned and then present in the parade, and football game festivities. A list of daily […]
Getting There – Transportation
Trains, Planes, and Automobiles…All the Transportation You Can Think Of Whether it will be the first time dropping off your student, visiting them for parents weekend, or attending their graduation, there are a variety of very easy ways to get transportation to Indiana University Bloomington. For those of you not from the midwest, you may not know that Bloomington is centrally located in Monroe County, Indiana, about one hour from Indianapolis International Airport, which is the airport closest to campus. You are also two hours from Louisville and just four hours from Chicago. IND airport is surprisingly easy to navigate making it convenient to access all major car rental companies as well as transportation services such as Go Express, IndyGo bus service, as well as Uber and Lyft which all take you directly to campus. Go Express Travel has worked out great for my daughter especially getting to the airport for an […]
Graduation Restaurant Reservations
Reservations, The Earlier, The Better! Finally, graduation is here, yay! Family and friends will want to join you for a feast, here are our tips on local restaurants and the reservation specifics. IU holds three commencement ceremonies each year – two in May and one in December. You can check the commencement schedule for additional information. Hopefully, you have read our blog, Graduation at IU, and already arranged your hotel rooms. But if you are visiting with your entire family, you may want to make your restaurant reservations as many of the restaurants get extremely busy. To help out, we are including in the listings the restaurants that take reservations and if they require a deposit. For other restaurant recommendations, see our blog on restaurants. We will continue to add to this list regularly as we find more information but our suggestion is to make your plans early, especially for Spring graduation weekends. […]
IU Sports
Everything you’ll need to know about IU football and sports! Everyone loves sports, no matter what kind of sport it is. Way back when your student was deciding on where to go to college, becoming a Hoosier probably came into play. It’s just what we do. And it’s fun…even if you don’t know what’s really happening on the court or field. (Who me?) The important part is to know when to cheer, knowing the words to the IU Fight Song, dressing in cream and crimson (candy stripes, if you’re headed to a basketball game), perfecting the Fists, and Blades, and cheering until you’re hoarse. Student Sports Tickets HaveUHeard that IU students, with a valid student ID, get in FREE to all IU regular-season games for Baseball, Men’s and Women’s Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Women’s Basketball and Wrestling? Just show your student ID at the gate. Football and Men’s Basketball are huge Hoosier favorites […]
Grocery Stores
A Kids Gotta Eat, Find the Grocery Store! Does your student know where the grocery store is located? Whether your student lives on campus or off, they will need groceries. Bloomington has plenty of places to shop. For those new to Indiana, let me first introduce you to Kroger. Kroger is a Cincinnati-based supermarket with every department found in most grocery stores including produce, deli, meats, canned goods, seafood, frozen foods, flowers, bread, soda, and stationery, candy, dairy and so forth. There are four Kroger supermarkets close to campus, the location on South College Mall Road being open twenty-four hours a day. The other major chain supermarket you will find in Bloomington is Aldi, with two locations near campus. They have great deals on high-quality groceries, organic products, and the latest must-haves at low prices. Fresh Thyme Farmers Market is also another option that is really more of a grocery store than […]
Health Insurance for College Students
Know More About Health Insurance Options Students at many colleges are required to have a health insurance plan but Indiana University is not one of those that has a mandatory insurance requirement for enrolled students. All IU Bloomington students are required to pay a mandatory health center fee. This fee is not insurance-it helps to support the IU Health Center which is located on campus and can be deducted from their account at the end of the semester. They offer medical, wellness, and mental health services; a lab; a pharmacy; an eye clinic; X-rays; and more. My daughter recently made a same-day appointment online and went in with no delay. IU does accept certain insurance plans. If your student’s insurance is not accepted, the center will provide you with an itemized receipt so that your student’s charges can be submitted as out-of-network. Your student does not need health insurance to get […]
Honor Roll The highest distinction!
Did you get a letter? A big honor during IU’s graduation ceremonies is wearing the cream and crimson honor cords. Owning these honor cords means that you are one of the top achieving students on campus, which is a huge adulation. If one longs to be one of these select students, well let’s just say that you better start working hard starting the first time you step foot in class. Every IU college has its own specific requirements in order to receive the cords. On average, for most of the colleges to receive the highest distinction students need a 3.900 GPA, 3.800 GPA for high distinction, and a 3.700 GPA for distinction. A high GPA may have seemed effortless in high school, but it is definitely something you have to put hours and dedication to in college. There are 21 different honor societies at Indiana University giving students an abundant amount of […]
Hotels in and around Bloomington
A Nice Place to Stay Looking for a nice hotel? Bloomington offers a wide variety of choices for overnight accommodations. Here in this quaint Midwestern town, there are hotels, motels, bed & breakfasts and inns. Remembering this is a college town, you should not be expecting to see high rise five-star hotels. Many are scattered around campus and others are on the outskirts of town. There are different things to take into consideration when booking a place to stay; I will do my best to cover all of them. It is a good idea to stay with one hotel chain allowing you to accumulate points to earn free night stays or other rewards offered by that particular program. I usually stay at the Hilton Garden Inn, which is centrally located downtown. The other point to consider is that there are peak weekends in Bloomington where it is very difficult to get a […]
Lost and Found – we can help!
Oh, No…It Happened, It’s Lost! Have you ever lost anything really important before? My daughter always carries her wallet and phone in her purse when running around campus going to tailgates and football games. She has made it through almost two months without an incident… until the last game day. That is when I got the hysterical crying call that her wallet went missing (who knows exactly how) and she was now without her driver’s license, her debit card, credit card, her dorm fob, and her crimson card. Thankfully, all of this is easily replaceable. A few calls to the bank and we were good as gold, or should I say crimson? Losing It… My other college student lost more Student ID’s, keys, driver’s licenses than any person I know (or at least I thought). Conduct a search on the student IU page, and you will see daily posts for lost keys, […]
Meal Plan and Other Ways to Eat
Burgers and Pizza and Fries…Oh my! One of the many decisions you and your student will make is about the meal plan. With college right around the corner, I see you fearfully envisioning your student’s diet as one of burgers, pizza, and fries, oh my! Yes, we have been making meals for our kids for as long as we can remember. (So, quite frankly, we might welcome a break.) And yes, some of our kids have learned how to cook and even to enjoy doing so. But most have come to rely on their meals being ready the minute you yell “Dinnertime!” NOW what will happen? Before you get ready to go on a cooking, packaging, and labeling frenzy to send food with them, Stop. I am here to assure you that college food has indeed changed since many of us went to college. That’s not to say they won’t still be […]
Mother-Daughter Time
A Little Retail Therapy Is Good for Mother-Daughter Time! Mother-Daughter weekend is something to look forward to. Shopping in Bloomington can be challenging, but I assure you it is all about the journey, actually, the time spent together exploring new shops with your daughter. There are plenty of big box stores (check out our blog, A Little Retail Therapy, for that sort of shopping information), but the kind of shopping that may come after the call that cries, “I have nothing to wear,” exists too. These also may be the stores you may want to visit should you get lucky enough to partake in a Mother-Daughter weekend. College Mall, its anchor stores being Macy’s and Target, has a fair amount of stores including H&M, American Eagle, C&B (Christopher and Banks), Express, Journeys, Victoria’s Secret, Francesca’s and Zumiez, for the cutting edge skateboard/surf lifestyle. My daughter is definitely a fashionista, always well-styled and […]
Move-In? All the Tips and Tricks to Making it Easy
Move-In Date! Apartments and Dorms It’s time… move-in dates are set! Your student has been given their move-in date and dorm/residence assignment! Now begins the process of handling what can be a stressful, labor-intensive — and often expensive — process. (Yes, you may start by taking a deep, calming breath…) Traditionally, female students tend to take a full-on decorating approach complete with wall décor, signs, picture frames, string lights, desk accessories, and more. Sometimes much more. Male students typically do not go quite that all-in. Usually, they just want a comfortable bed, a poster or two, and maybe a rug. It really is quite humorous after each drop-off, whether summer or fall, to see my friends’ postings on Facebook and Instagram. (Yes, dating ourselves we know, but those are the social media that parents are most comfortable with.) Seeing the obvious difference between completed male and female dorm rooms is always good […]
Move-In Day
How To Be Prepared For Move-In Day. Whether you are a freshman or a senior, IU’s move-in day is …well… A lot of work. Be prepared for many trips to the car and possibly one or two to the store for the inevitable forgotten or overlooked item (ours was not enough Command hooks). The heat does not help, but a hand truck and Ikea bags do. Drink plenty of water between trips. I will not get into the emotional goodbyes at the end of the day but will say that luckily the next day when I flew home, the lady next to me understood my tears as she was leaving a freshman IU student as well. Dates for move-ins this fall will be posted on the IU website when available, but as of now the official kick-off to Welcome Week is August 19. Students will need to be present with their school […]
Moving Out
Is Moving Out Harder? Moving out can be almost as hectic as moving into the dorms and apartments. It does not make sense to drag the entire contents of the dorm home for the summer, only to send everything back up in the fall, especially for us, seeing as we live out of state. Many will transport their things home for the summer while even more will rent an air-conditioned storage unit. (Sharing a unit is recommended to keep the cost down and air-conditioning is key). You may be lucky in that your student may have a friend that will let them store their belongings in their apartment, but that is unusual. Some students are able to move their belongings into storage themselves by packing boxes in between studying for finals. At move-in, you can actually break down some of the boxes and leave them flat under their beds throughout the school […]
Nature vs Nurture
So much more Nature than you think! It’s so important to get out into nature. On your first trip to Bloomington will most likely consist of long hours moving into dorms. However, throughout your other visits, you must take advantage of the beautiful scenery Indiana has to offer. Coming from South Florida, I was absolutely awed when it came to the picturesque snow-covered trees in the winter, the vibrant leaves in the spring, and the inviting lakes in the summer. And here’s the thing; it doesn’t only have to be about school sports (although there is nothing wrong with that either.) In four years, you should find the time to check out some of these places too if you really want to get a feel for Bloomington that is. B-Line Trail – This beautiful trail is 3.1 miles that connects downtown Bloomington to various local neighborhoods. This trail is a fabulous way […]
Just Desserts!
Desserts, In a Good Way… Eating desserts first or getting your just desserts. Either way, desserts are often our favorite meal! Sometimes, we think the best part of the dinner is the dessert; here are some of our favorites! I have to admit my daughter and I are huge fans of Bubble Tea, and as we pulled into my daughter’s dorm freshman year, we were thrilled to see Bapu Teahouse on East 10th Street and Bapu Fresh Fresh on Kirkwood, a great choice for Bubble teas, Matcha and snacks. More great choices to follow. Blondie’s Cookies Located on East 3rd Street offers over 20 different varieties of freshly baked cookies and brownies. Blu Boy Chocolate Cafe & Cakery Possibly a favorite for chocoholics, located on East Kirkwood and known for having desserts, fabulous chocolates, Ice Cream, and Frozen Yogurt. Bubs Burgers and Ice Cream Located on North Morton Street The Chocolate Moose […]
Off-Campus Living
…Economical to Extravagant, Off-Campus Apartments Galore Off-Campus living, after only one year in the dorm, your student may drop this on you. It happens before you know it. Literally. Unless your student is planning on living in a sorority or fraternity house, by mid-January of your student’s freshman year, they will most likely tell you that they want to move off-campus the next year and that they have to sign a lease in the next few weeks. I know you have just about adjusted to having them leave and getting them settled in the dorm, but the good ones go fast and sign-ups really do work this way. There are many apartment complexes that cater to students; some within walking distance of campus and others on the outskirts of town. Although there is an efficient local bus system, many of the students living off-campus have their own transportation. Living off-campus does give […]
Sick at School
Mom…..I’m Sick… It’s bound to happen. At some point, while our kids are at college, the phone will ring and suddenly our mature, independent college student will sound like a preschooler again. There is little worse than when they tell you how sick they feel and you are far away. Hopefully, and most likely, their illness will be a result of their new-found independence that includes lack of sleep and exercise, stress, not-so-healthy food, hygiene habits that don’t embrace enough hand-washing, and can be cured quickly and easily. I sent my kids to school with a little box that I literally labeled, “Things you may need that Mom can’t squeeze through the phone.” Inside the box, I put all sorts of things from a tiny sewing kit to Tums. When my daughter got sick with her first cold, she was happy to find a thermometer, cold medicine, and Vaseline for her chapped […]
Is an A Grade Really an A in your GPA?
Those Pluses and Minuses Do Count in Your Grade! Of course, the grade you get is important! During my freshman year of college, I was elated when I received straight As. That happiness quickly turned to confusion when my GPA was not a 4.0 but a 3.7. Buckle up because the pluses and minuses behind those grades, count in college. Indiana University is moderately selective and expects you to meet its requirements for GPA and SAT/ACT scores for admission into this beautiful place. They have high expectations and strive to uphold a strong academic standard. Keep in mind that if you want to partake in Greek life, most houses require a certain GPA, or else you will not be a member of that chapter. The GPA scale can either work for you or against you. So each one of the pluses and minuses counts! The Grading system with +/- at IU goes […]
Orient Yourself With These Orientation Tips
Orientation Overwhelm Potential Orientation, the beginning of the journey. If two nights and two days can make your head spin, these might be the two. It’s not a bad thing, of course; it is just the amount of information you and your student will take in at that time that can get a bit overwhelming. While this was the second new student orientation I had attended it was nonetheless informative. As with my older daughter, I again spent time taking pages of notes, marking things I wanted to talk with my daughter about later and highlighting things I wanted to keep close in case situations came up that may make those notes useful (ie: tutoring, healthcare, safety on campus…. honestly they touch on everything you can imagine and many things you haven’t yet. Time of Their Own Just so you know, you will not be spending most of those two days with […]
Away for the High Holidays
Celebrate High Holidays with a New Community Generally, students will go home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but for those who celebrate the upcoming Jewish High Holidays, you may choose to stay at IU. While it may feel strange at first to not celebrate with family and stay at school, celebrating the holidays with a new community of peers can be the start of new traditions. Not all colleges give days off for every holiday and it doesn’t look like IU is any different. Students can certainly inform their professors, in advance, of their absence for the high holiday, but chances are class will go on and they will be responsible for any work; and unfortunately, some professors will penalize them for an absence. Even if students do get a day or two off, it is not always enough time to travel back home. This is another reason it is nice to know […]
Pets in school?
Take Your Pets (Dog Or Cat) to College! Pets bring so much love and joy to our lives, and there’s nothing like a good facetime with your dog when you’re missing home while in college. My mom constantly sends me videos of my dog running around the backyard and rolling in the grass. Those videos put me right back at home, and dissipate any homesickness I was feeling. There’s also nothing better than the family dog with a Hoosier bandana on so you can really represent. Clearly, I am a dog person and, while many individuals think it’s totally wrong for students to get pets, I think it truly depends on the person. Animals create so much happiness and if a student is aware of the work, and wants to add a member to their family, who am I to discourage them? College is a time where many individuals feel lonely; a […]
So You Want to Be an Indiana Hoosier
Of course, you want to be a Hoosier! I was a senior in high school visiting my best friend who was a Freshman at IU. I wasn’t even thinking about becoming a Hoosier until I stepped foot on the IU campus for the first time. Walking around campus, I fell in love with the bright blooming flowers, the cool crisp air, the buildings that look like castles, and the endless adorable cafes that you can sit in for hours. The moment I left Bloomington I asked… How does one become a Hoosier and get into IU? IU accepts multiple different applications including The Common App, The Coalition App, and of course the IU Application. I recommend applying on the earlier side. Early action applications have a deadline of November 1st, while regular decision applications have a deadline of February 1st. When applying to IU, students will need to pay the $35 application […]
Places of Worship to Continue your Traditions
Keeping The Traditions of Worship If you’re wondering about keeping up the tradition of worship, here are some thoughts. Shortly after my daughter started college, the first of the most important Jewish holidays were coming up (think the equivalent of Good Friday and Easter Sunday). In the past, we had gone to services together and had family dinners. Since the holiday fell on a weekday, it did not make sense for her to come home. So, she did what many other Jewish students did; she went to services at the Chabad House-Jewish Student Center. It did take some cajoling, and I do not know if she will continue but it was nice to know the opportunity is there. At IU it is important for all students to be able to continue to worship, pray, and adhere to their religious beliefs for several reasons. Having a place to worship on or near campus […]
Sorority Girl – The Inside Scoop
Sorority Life – It’s More Than Parties So now you have joined the sorority life, and oh is it a life to live. Being in a sorority does not only open you to new BFFs but a life full of opportunities if you network with the right people. Every sorority is a little different as it relates to living and eating meals at the house. They also have specifications in regard to academics, philanthropies, and social requirements. Chapter members are expected to attend chapter meetings, eat their meals at the house (if they provide meals, which would also be included in the fees), and participate in their sorority’s events. Sororities are paired up with a different fraternity every weekend for social events. This allows girls to meet other members of the community which can be a lot of fun! Some sororities require you to dress up for dinner or chapter meetings; others do […]
Restaurants for a Delicious Dinner Time
Dinner, Early or Late! Here are some of the best restaurants Bloomington has to offer. From classics to food from all over the world. It is a true college town. The vast majority of these restaurants are independent and locally owned. Although some reservations can be booked online, many are just a phone call away, adding to the old school charm of Bloomington. Restaurants Anyetsang’s Little Tibet – Located on 4th street in a quaint old house, offering specialties from the Himalayan homeland as well as Indian and Thai dishes. My daughter and I tried the Tibetan dumplings and they were delicious. Bear’s Place – Located on 3rd Street, a great destination for dive bar dining, drinks, and entertainment. Karaoke every Thursday night. Bloomington Sandwich Company – Located on Kirkwood Avenue, simply stated, this shop has good sandwiches and good service. Cardinal Spirits – A craft distillery located on South Morton Street […]
Spring Break
Letting Off Steam Before Spring Finals It’s Spring! If you’re anything like me, you are putting together the cutest spring outfits, buying any bathing suit you can get your hands on, and getting a head start on your spring break tan lines. Get out your calendars students because Spring Break is from March 13th to March 21st, and it will be one to remember- like always. Probably the most popular Spring Break trip these days is a cruise…with 422 IU students (think group rates). While on a typical spring break cruise, I always pity the family that was also on that cruise ship thinking they were getting a quiet vacation. Yes, generally four kids (one of which must be 21 or older) cram into the cheapest cabin possible, purchase the all you can drink package (this does not mean that the drinking age on cruises is anything less than 21) and go. […]
Retail Therapy Makes Starting College Easier
A Little Retail Shopping Helps! There is plenty of retail shopping in Bloomington and although your student is there for school, there is always something that he or she will need particularly at the start of the first semester, so a little retail therapy is needed! It’s a good idea to order some things online or at home and have them waiting for you at some of the stores in Bloomington. This can be done at Target, Walmart and Bed Bath and Beyond, and can be extremely time-saving as well as freeing up space in your vehicle or if your student is flying into town, making shipping far easier and less expensive. There are many other major box stores near IU as well, including Best Buy, Family Dollar Store, Dollar General, Dollar Tree, TJ Maxx, Macy’s, Big Lots, and Kohls. For those unfamiliar with these stores, here is what you may need to […]
Stay Fit While In College It’s Smart!
It’s Easy to Stay Fit! Staying fit at college is good for grades, did you know that? This is near to my heart as I truly believe exercise is critical to our emotional, mental, and physical well being. Although my Hoosier is not the most regimented with her workout routines, I encourage all efforts to incorporate exercise in her life. We all know by now the many advantages of exercise; stress reliever, anxiety reducer, heart booster, weight control (or losing if those freshman 15 do start to creep up), social mixer, happiness booster, and so on. The question is, will our students actually make it a part of their weekly routine. The truth is many do. I love seeing students jogging around campus; an inexpensive way to exercise. Some die-hards have been known to run up and down the stadium bleachers. Many students prefer working out with weights in the gym, others […]
Rushing Her Way – Recruitment
Joining A Sorority Has Advantages HaveUHeard rushing is now called recruitment. Before students even step foot on the IU campus, most already know about the extensive sorority recruitment process. More than 8,000 students at Indiana University are involved in Greek life, making it one of the largest social scenes on campus. Greek life does have its advantages, especially at a large college, and kids are probably not going to forgo the rumors about recruitment if it means not joining. So buckle up; the ride can get a bit bumpy. Recruitment is held a week before winter break ends and is somewhat of an extensive process. Women have the opportunity to go to sixteen different chapters throughout that week, trying to establish if they identify with the organization’s mission statement and purpose. As much as potential new members are trying to find their place in greek life, sororities are asking all the right […]
The Best Apps for Students
IU and College Studying Apps As students, we always hear from parents “Our lives were so much more difficult when I was your age.” While this is not always true, it is definitely true when it comes to technology. As students, we have so many helpful apps at our fingertips that truly make the world an easier place to live in. There are literally apps that provide anything at this point, things like food delivery, tutoring services, how to create a budget, or the perfect bibliography. Below is a list of the ones I thought most useful. Forgive me if it is a little too long, but truly there is something for everything and it was hard to narrow down. The Studying Apps IUMobile: gives students access to IU resources, including campus maps, Web courses, IU Mail, the library, dining, shuttle service, and more. IUMobile allows individuals to get important messages from […]
Rushing His Way
What Is The Real Rush Story? What really is a fraternity rush? So many times, we think about a fraternity and think of the movie Animal House. The brothers are living in a house that is disgusting, everyone is partying, drinking alcohol, and doing drugs. Certainly, if a fraternity is engaging in behavior that crosses the line, they should, and will, end up either on suspension or maybe even kicked off-campus. But talk with many of the young men in fraternities at IU, and they will speak of brotherhood, a lifetime of friendships and access to leadership positions on campus. This is what the rushing process is like. Being in a fraternity is a huge part of many students’ social life at Indiana University. The way rush is handled for fraternities is radically different than sororities at Indiana. I am here to give you the good, the bad, and the ugly when […]
The Stress of College
Here are Ways to Beat Stress at School Stress is a real issue in college life. Although college is a lot of fun and games, students also have a heavy course load. This is typically the first time most students are living on their own, leading to many new adjustments. These factors can be extremely stressful at times for students. As if a full schedule and trying to maintain a social life isn’t enough to cause a little stress, students are constantly having to prepare for projects, homework, quizzes, and what seems like never-ending exams. Fortunately, IU is on top of it, offering various programs, workshops, training, and suggestions; most of which are free. **While classes have been forced to go online, most of the usual opportunities for counseling and stress reduction may not be available. However; IU is prepared with other counseling options. You may also want to check out ways […]
Safety Matters
How To Handle The Fact You Are Not There Of course, our concern is for our college students’ safety. I’m not a helicopter parent. Really, I’m not. I believe my kids have learned some of their most valuable lessons by tackling things on their own. Regardless, once we have moved our students in and they are ready to embark on a new independent life, we still want to know they are safe at all times. Once the tears have stopped (ours, of course), it becomes easier each time you realize their growing autonomy (this is what we are supposed to want for our children) and happiness. Knowing they are safe is a forever thing. Therefore, it may be helpful to know that IU has supportive resources available. Our students’ safety really is all that matters. Bloomington is generally safe, but it is always wise to know what to do in a potentially […]
They’ve Been Accepted, A New Hoosier!
Accepted, here’s what you do now, new Hoosier! For those of you who have been accepted, and are lucky enough to be a future Hoosier, congratulations! It is great to be a Hoosier for so many reasons. You can now take that sigh of relief that a decision has been made and then take a look at our list of what to do next. IU Bloomington releases early admission decisions in early October. Students will receive a response no later than January 15th if they completed an application by November 1, 2019. If students submit a completed application by February 1st, they will receive a response by March 15th. Any completed applications after February 1st will be considered on a space available, case by case basis. First, this may sound silly, but check your admissions letter for accuracy regarding their name, entrance term, address, residency status, and major. If any changes need […]
How to Transition as a Transfer Student
Better late than never. Transfer requirements. Want to transfer to a university, especially one as large as Indiana University, can be nerve-racking, but if there is one thing I do know…it is that there is a place for everyone. There are many resources IU has to offer. The University Transfer Office this fall is launching The Transfer Student Advisory Board (TSAB). Transferring is a unique experience, but this will make it easier to bond with people going through the same experience as you. Through TSAB, this unique opportunity allows transfer students to get acclimated to the campus, make connections, and build relationships with other IU students interested in leadership, personal, and professional development. Check out the Transfer Student Advisory Board. New students are required to attend New Student Orientation (NSO) prior to school starting, which will start off the integration to become a Hoosier, including signing up for classes with specifics […]
Having a Car at College, Is It a Good Idea?
Can You Get by Without a Car? Going to college, I remember being so nervous that I wasn’t going to have a car with me. I thought it would be so hard to go to the grocery store, to the library, or out with friends. Well, let’s just say, I was so wrong! I would say that most students at IU do not bring cars to school. Honestly, students with cars only end up with endless parking tickets, long, painful trips to the tow truck lot, and several dents. I am here to tell you all of my favorite ways to get across campus without having a car. There is an abundant amount of different transportation resources that students can use. The most common is the campus bus. When I first discovered that students take the bus, I was a little hesitant until I realized how easy and convenient it is. The […]
Searching for Scholarships to Pay for College
Now you’ll need to pay for that college! Scholarships can help you manage the financial pressures of starting college. Almost as soon as the first acceptance to college came in, so did the idea of actually having to pay for their tuition and room and board. When they were small, it was something I always envisioned we would do and planned accordingly. Regardless of that, additional help is always appreciated and in some cases far more necessary. Although my daughters went to different high schools, they both got support in the scholarship search from their respective high schools early on. The notion of finding and applying for scholarships can be, and was, a bit daunting for both daughters, but well worth the hard work. There are so many scholarships available these days; the question remains in finding the right ones that they may qualify for. Some scholarships are quite competitive, some last […]
Student Accessibility Resources at IU
Accessibility Accommodations for all Students Accessibility for all students is an important issue. Before college, I went to public schools in my town and they were huge. There is only one high school in my town so everyone knows each other and all the classes were pretty large. I quickly learned that simple tasks don’t come as easily to every student. So many students, including my little sister, have diagnoses such as ADHD and ADD. It is definitely hard for many to be able to focus in crowded rooms full of people. My little sister always tells me that taking a test in a loud room with people talking, pencils turning, and doors slamming, was practically impossible for her. My sister was definitely nervous about it being such a large university with classes sometimes full of more than 50 students, but IU has done nothing but provides her, and every student, with […]
Planning to Sublease an Apartment at IU?
The Supply is Greater Than the Demand, Here’s How to Sublease You might want to consider a sublease…HaveUHeard that when a student moves into an off-campus apartment, they generally sign a lease for twelve months? (It is actually a 10-month lease that apartments prorate so it gets paid over 12 months). Most leases run mid to late August through – July 31/Aug 1. Unlike most dorms, students are responsible for the entire year, even if they do not intend to stay for the summer. However, most apartment complexes will allow students to sublet their apartments. You will, nevertheless, have to jump through a few hoops to make it happen. Keep in mind that we say generally speaking leases are for twelve months but there are more and more options available these days for varying time frames. To find a sublessor for the summer, it is best to start looking at the semester […]
Get on the Bus
A Guide to IU’s Bus System They’re going to be some of those days when you just aren’t in the mood to make the trek across campus to class. Bloomington does get hot in the fall so with a heavy, huge backpack, as you arrive to class sweating bullets, you’re definitely going to look into the IU bus system. It can also be tiring and time-consuming to find parking around campus, but IU offers free student transit options that allow individuals to get to and from campus and their housing. When I arrived at IU, I was nervous to take the bus. I wasn’t coming from a big city where it was normal to take the bus so I did not know what to expect. Once I tried it for the first time, all of my fears went away. The IU bus goes all over campus and only accepts IU students, so […]
Go Big Red… The Cream of the Hoosier Crop
Putting Together Great Hoosier Outfits There is nothing more anticipated at Indiana University than a Hoosier game day. Gameday consists of exciting Big 10 football games in the Fall, basketball games in the spring, tailgating, and lots of fun. As you know by now, IU’s school colors are crimson and cream. On game days, those are the only colors you will see around town. Students go all out with crimson and cream outfits and accessories and it is important for families to show some Hoosier spirit too! HaveUHeard how IU got its colors? The December 1887 Indiana Student noted that the “colors of the university are crimson and black. Senior class cream and gold.” At some point, the two different color combinations were fused together. By 1903, most students and faculty had no idea what IU’s colors were, but several answered the colors were some variation of crimson, red, white, and cream. […]
Examity Online Test Taking
Online Test Taking for Today’s Students As weird as it is that most classes are online, there are some benefits of an online class. Personally speaking, I always get super anxious taking tests in person because I just truly don’t feel comfortable being in a large classroom. I always felt like I was in a race to finish my test while competing against other students which can never be a good thing. When I had my first online test, I realized that all of my fears when it came to testing, dissipated. I felt confident and comfortable being able to take a test in my own time, in my own space and it ultimately allowed me to score better. To avoid the situation of too many students being in close vicinity, many teachers opt to use a testing service called Examity. Examity is a live online proctoring service that allows students to […]
Are You Sending A Package to Your Student?
Sending it… If you are planning on sending a package to your student, you want to make sure they get it. There are many reasons that a student receives a package. Whether it is just their usual Amazon delivery or a care package for midterms or because your student is under the weather, there are a few things that will make package delivery simpler. You know your student best, send a personalized note, a picture of your family or favorite food. Address all mail to residents as: Student’s name Student’s room or apartment number Residence hall or apartment building street address Building addresses can be found here on IU’s location page. Packages are delivered to each residence hall’s center desk for pick-up. Your student is then notified by email daily until they retrieve their package, no mail service on Sundays. When putting together care packages, be aware of what is allowed in […]
Home Sweet Dorm
Turn Their Dorm Room From Drab To Fab Dorm rooms, ho-hum boring. You may be surprised at how one can transition a mass-produced, industrial-looking dorm room into a warm and inviting room-suite. And there is plenty of help out there to spur ideas and help you organize. Organization is a primary concern because if your kids are anything like mine, they will take enough stuff from home to settle them in as though there are no laundry facilities or stores in the vicinity and, if like us you are flying that can be a challenge. I will say Southwest Airlines made the challenge easier than expected. I gave my daughter a weight limit for the airplane and it was a challenge, but we did it!! Pinterest alone has enough ideas to make your head spin. Of course, decorating for a girl’s room is drastically different from a boy, but both will need […]
Tutoring – getting help keeps you competitive
Tutoring Can Be the Key Students who attend IU, no different than many other highly sought-after colleges, will be faced with challenging classes, taught by respected and renowned professors. They are no longer in high school where a student can often coast by; succeeding at IU requires taking classes seriously. At the same time, there are many opportunities to get involved and enjoy these four years including football games, basketball games, Greek life, and outdoor activities. A student needs to be able to balance all of this, which can prove daunting to many. But since they have a selective admissions process, the understanding is that many of these students have already been faced with balancing academics, social and civic activities. But Just in Case…Get A Tutor If your student mentions they are having difficulty, there are many places they can turn; including speaking with their professor or teacher assistant. There are also […]
I Am Not Your Maid – Maid Cleaning Companies
Because Sometimes You Need a Maid I never thought I would be saying this, but sometimes it is a good idea to hire a maid cleaning service for your students’ apartment or dorm. Hear me out…with flu season and viruses going around, wouldn’t it give you peace of mind to know those nasty germs have been eradicated and may lessen the chances of your child catching what their roommate has? Of course, this is my strongest point, but having seen my daughter’s apartment after a few months of living with three other young women, I have others. Some students simply don’t have the time and are often searching for affordable cleaning help. Here are a few maid cleaning services some of our Hoosiers have tried. Balance Lifestyle Services – This company offers a wide variety of services including weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or for a one time clean. $30 hourly with a two-hour […]
What Not to Bring to College
No, you don’t need to bring that! You might think you need to bring the kitchen sink…but really, read this first! If you haven’t started shopping for your upcoming college lifestyle yet, whether for dorm items or clothes; well, then, I am here to tell you what you shouldn’t even bother purchasing. Yes, there are lists everywhere of what you absolutely need as a freshman, but do you really need those items, or are they just trying to get your money? I am here to help solve that problem! Don’t Bring… For instance, that printer you spent hours picking out. It turns out there are quite a few places around campus for printing and then you won’t have to pay for continuous refills of ink, which can actually be more expensive than a whole new printer (seriously; a whole new printer can cost less than the ink). Printing around campus typically does […]
Where the Wind Blows
If a Tornado is Around, Get Low to the Ground The wind is howling, now what? Growing up in South Florida, I have gone through at least one hurricane every single year. After years of hunkering down in the laundry room- considering that was the room in my house without windows- I thought I was prepared for any kind of wind or storm coming my way… Well not so much, because hurricanes are one thing but when a student moves to Indiana, they have to take on the big, bad tornado. When I think of a tornado, the Wizard of Oz movie always comes to mind with horses and houses being blown away. Luckily, it’s not typically like that in real life. There are five different tornado categories, depending on the wind speed. On average, there are about 22 tornadoes that happen every year in Indiana. This sounds like a lot, however, […]
Working While Attending College
Working it – Make Some Moola While at School Growing up, working was normal for me. I have always loved having a job. I actually met my best friend from my first job working at the local pizza shop. Going to college, I always wondered if other students would be working like me. I soon found out that not only do most college kids have jobs, but a lot of students pay for a lot on their own like food, being in a sorority or fraternity, going out to the bars, or even rent. Whatever the reason, students get so much work experience when getting a job, whether it is to pay tuition or housing, plan for their spring break trip (see our spring break blog for more information on that) or to backpack through Europe after graduation or simply to augment their wardrobe; working, while in school, is not new. If […]
Food for Thought
No Student Hungry, Food for All Much like the national campaign No Kid Hungry®, there are many students at colleges throughout the United States that are barely getting by, some putting their nourishment behind paying for college and all of the expenses that go along with college; tuition, books, rent, utilities, to name a few. The USDA average monthly cost of food for a college-age student for a moderate-cost food plan, following the recommended Food plans, is $223.55. According to Education Data, in 2018: Nearly 25% of high school students considered middle class indicated they were not planning to attend college because of the expense In 2018, an average of 45% of students experienced frequent food insecurity Over 50% of students from 2-year institutions and 44% of 4-year students worried about running out of food Nearly 50% of students could not afford balanced meals Many students who are struggling just to keep […]
Weekend with Dad
The Best Things to Do With Your Dad at IU As most new college students at Indiana University would probably admit, leaving home was exciting. Free-dommmm!! As the month’s pass, however, the desire to spend time with family, for some, increases exponentially. Family weekends, official or not, become something many students circle on the calendar with anticipation. Family weekends at Indiana University are great fun, and a weekend with dad is a special favorite. If you are not in a sorority, you are generally not on a tight schedule when dad comes to visit. If you’re planning to take in a game or sporting event that starts later in the day, start out your day by renting a bike at one of many bike rental shops and hit the B-LIne Trail, a 3.1-mile multi-use trail that goes throughout downtown Bloomington. Dad and daughter can then enjoy a stroll through the Saturday morning […]
Money, Money, Money
When Does Financial Aid Get Disbursed? The time has come to pay for your college costs and panic sets in. Time to pony up the money! Whether you are in-state or out of state, you know the costs in advance but it still stings when you see the bill. Show me the money! When does this money get disbursed? For your student’s specific account details, you should log into their account as a third party user at One.IU. Here are some specifics: Financial Aid Money Financial Aid is typically dispersed 10 days before the start of the semester. For the fall semester, most students will have their aid credit in mid-August. Spring semester aid credits in early January. Aid is first dispersed to your student’s account and applied to their tuition, fees, room, board, and any other allowable charges. If the amount of financial aid exceeds the amount you owe, students will […]
Banks & Credit Unions
Many Places to Grab Money, Banks Galore! Leaving for college comes with so many new things, but handling their own money can be one of the scariest. We have all kinds of suggestions regarding Working While in College, Teaching Them to Budget; even information about the dreaded Auxiliary Fees for Online Classes, but this blog is all about banking. I personally hoped to have an account for my daughter at the same bank as mine as it makes it easy to slide money over whenever needed. However, seeing as we are out of state, our local bank did not have a branch in Bloomington. If you are lucky enough to have the same bank, if they ever need cash this is helpful, although few students seem to use cash these days. Venmo and Zelle are just more convenient. Banks, banking, and how our students can access money is something you will undoubtedly […]
How Will Students Stay Safe, Sane and Happy this Fall
Where is a Safe Spot at College? Safe, Sane, and happy, is that possible? As colleges are doing their best to come up with ideas as to how to keep our students safe and healthy as they reopen campuses, we can only hope that our students will adhere to those rules when they leave their classrooms. Let’s face it; it is not easy to enforce social distancing among a population that has a tendency to want to gather. Isn’t one of the best parts of college, socializing? We realize we can’t replace a good frat party or tailgate, but there are alternatives to fun near campus and, since outdoor fun appears to be the safest alternative these days, we have come up with open-air ideas. Given that we are living under such unprecedented circumstances; we always recommend double-checking on hours, etc. before heading out as activities may be modified or limit the […]
An Insider’s Guide to Living On Campus
Here is what you need to know about living on campus! You can certainly read about the dorms and just where to live on campus on the IU Housing pages, but we asked our interns for the inside scoop…which is probably what you really want to know before you choose where to live when you become a Hoosier. Here’s what they had to say about the 13 residence halls and 11 apartment complexes: These dorms are located in the Central Neighborhood which is centrally located on campus and great for getting to the most popular buildings: Central Neighborhood Ashton is best known for its single room set up with lots of privacy, surprisingly generous room storage, and easy access to both Union Street Market and Wright food courts. Collins is often touted as the “quintessential” residential experience, the building is beautiful with its Gothic-style quad and location near the Indiana Memorial Union and […]
Auxiliary Fees for Classes
HaveUHeard of These Fees? There is no denying that college tuition, itself, is a huge expense; however, on top of the cost, HaveUHeard that some classes have extra fees that may or may not be covered by some scholarships or prepaid programs? Costs of online courses are usually equal to tuition plus a distance learning fee. Distance learning fees are authorized by the Indiana statute. Fees vary by program, depending on specific costs of curriculum development, technology tools, and course mentors. Each program’s fees are examined annually and adjusted up or down accordingly, on a cost-recovery basis. Not only are there fees that are automatically due just for attending the university, but there are also additional fees associated with certain classes as well. For example, if you are enrolled in an online course, you will be required to pay an additional per credit hour fee depending on that class. These additional charges […]
Favorite Apartment Rentals
Here are Our Most Favorite Apartment Tips on Rentals Rentals, it is the future. Neither one of my girls or their friends stayed in the dorms beyond their freshman year. The choices are plentiful. Below are some of the more popular apartment complexes students live in near IU. Some provide buses to campus (which can be important since parking on campus can be a nightmare), some have facilities that rival a fancy hotel (pools, hot tubs, volleyball courts, lounges), some provide reserved parking spots for a fee, some are gated and provide constant security, and all have various options from studios to 4 (even 6) bedrooms. Prices vary and generally go up slightly each year. The rent for many complexes depends on how early in the year you sign a lease. Most will also help find a student to fill a vacant room if need be. Wi-Fi is generally included in rent, […]
Best Coffee Shops at IU
Coffee, Cup of Joe, a Cuppa, Java As a college student, I basically have a coffee in my hands at all times. After my freshman year, I soon realized that I was spending an absurd amount on lattes so now going to coffee shops is a special treat for me. Sometimes, there’s no better spot to do homework then a nice, warm, coffeeshop with sunlight gleaming through the window and a big cup of hot, dark roast coffee in front of you. Lucky for you, there are plenty of adorable coffee shops in Bloomington. Cup & Kettle Tea- We get it, not everyone is a coffee lover like us! Try out this tea house which has endless flavors of different kinds of tea. Not only does this shop get their tea shipped from around the world- it has a library. The atmosphere is wonderful for a quiet study location. Crumble Coffee– If […]
Safest Places to Visit Your Student This Semester
We Still Love to Visit Our Hoosiers Let’s face it, these are odd and crazy times! Things look very different at IU this semester but one thing is still for sure; we all still love to visit our Hoosiers and they love visits from us. There are plenty of different food options that offer outside and patio seating, are operating at 50% capacity indoors, and others provide pick up or delivery to adhere to and cater to potential COVID-19 related concerns. Dining Buffa Louie’s Farm Bloomington Lennie’s Bloomington Mexican Eats Nick’s English Hut Noodles & Company Runcible Spoon Cafe Scholars Inn Bakehouse Outdoor Activities There are also many outdoor activities to participate in to make memories in a safe and socially distanced manner. Watch the IU game at a local bar and sit outside. They have great food and offer multiple specials on game days. B-Line Trail – This beautiful trail is […]
Parking at IU
Get the Last Parking Spot! Every student wants a car on campus until they actually get to campus. On Thursdays at 11 am, when almost every student has classes, it could take students more than an hour just to find a parking spot on campus. The amount of car accidents I have seen for reckless driving is also absurd. There are two types of students that own cars on campus. The student who always has a full car because they are driving 8 of their car-less friends around, or the student who has left his car in a parking garage for the past 6 months because it took him hours to find that one spot. Considering Bloomington is a small town, most students love the walks to campus or downtown, with the occasional bus or uber ride. Not only is it difficult to find parking, but there are quite a few regulations […]
Taking the Campus Tour
A Tour Can Help You Make Your College Decision It’s the season for campus tours. Many of you have already visited a multitude of schools but now that the verdicts are in, decisions have to be made; therefore, this tour should look different as it should point out the pertinent things that will help your student make their final decision as to which school to attend. Of course, my daughter loves being a Hoosier, but your student may have specific things that will help them weigh out the pros and cons of each college. Go with a list of questions, but not the kind of questions that you can just google an answer to. Don’t be shy about asking your tour guide, financial advisor, a specific department, or even students hanging out around the fountain. They can be your greatest resources. For instance; how important is Greek life to your student? I always […]
Spring Sports
Everyone Loves Sports While the Indiana Hoosiers Football team is not always on top, some fans are quick to claim that IU is a Basketball school. I remember the thrill of attending my first basketball game as if it was yesterday and the goosebumps I felt when the pre-game hype video played. A student should definitely not limit themselves to attending one sporting event. It is to their advantage to explore all the sports that IU has to offer, I mean who wouldn’t want to support the Hoosiers. What sports fans rave about IU is the free student tickets that are available for any home games for Baseball, Men’s and Women’s Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Women’s Basketball, and Wrestling, just show your IU student ID at the gate. Basketball student tickets are available as a season ticket combo with football or individual on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to obtain tickets for […]
Advice I Would Give My Freshman Self
A Little Advice Goes a Long Way We could do with a bit of advice. Moving to an unfamiliar place where you don’t know the area or a lot of people can be intimidating and challenging. It is a complete step out of your comfort zone, away from your familiar surroundings and your network of close friends and family. High school is not comparable to college in the slightest. If you have any current high school friends that are going to the same college, I would definitely recommend meeting up with them every once in a while. It’s nice to stay connected to home friends and will give you a small sense of home. Making friends takes time and it requires effort. Freshman year, I definitely went out of my way to make new friends in my dorm. Yes, it may be awkward for the first few seconds but I made some […]
Roommates and Residential Life
Roommates – Learning to Live With Others… For many students entering college, this may be their first time away from home for an extended period of time. While dorm living can be an enriching and wonderful part of the college experience, it can also be a source of great stress and discomfort if the roommates are not a good match. Granted, the fit does not have to be perfect; as a matter of fact, I always found myself in a better situation when I lived with girls I was friendly with rather than best friends with. This really allowed me to meet so many more people outside of my friend groups; all part of the college experience. Students do, however, need to be able to comfortably and safely co-exist in their shared living space. When you’re going into college and you start your many firsts- such as living on your own, it […]
Where Will They Live -Managing the Gap
Managing the Gap Although it feels like you just moved your students into their dorms, you now have to move them out. The worst part is that some may be returning in just a few weeks to move back somewhere. And, if they return earlier in August, whether it be another dorm, sorority, or fraternity house or an apartment, having to schlep their stuff back home to return in just a few weeks seems a little silly. I know how many carloads it took to get my daughter moved in and, frankly, if I lived locally I would not have been prepared to rent a U-Haul to get her home and back again. So, my first piece of advice is to recommend that they start bringing things home over Spring Break or if you visit, take home a few things that they really aren’t using. I guarantee there is something. I hope […]
They Care at IU
We know you care too! You care about your student and so does IU. Once you commit to Indiana University, you officially become a family member for life. IU truly cares about every student’s lives and wellbeing. IU has many different programs that are offered to help students in any way possible. From financial aid to counseling services, IU truly tries, in every way, to make a student’s college experience both memorable and seamless. One of the many reasons why students love IU so much is because of the free and easily accessible support system that is offered. College can be hard sometimes. Students are living on their own for the very first time and that comes with many responsibilities. As much as students like to think and believe that they can fix everything on their own, it is just inevitable that everyone needs help at one point or another. IU offers […]
Budget 101 for Students
Budget Let’s Talk Money In college, students definitely learn a lot, but was your student ever really taught the best way to budget and handle finances when it comes to how much to spend? Perhaps this is because it will vary based on need, ability, preparedness to handle the responsibility, what an allowance should cover, and so on. I finally realized that a budget might be handy after the first week of school when all of my friends asked me to eat out all the time. When I checked my bank account at the end of the week, I spent an absurd amount of money. Let’s just say, thanks to a budget, I never let that happen again! College is not only about academics, but also about learning how to navigate the real world. Becoming financially savvy is part of that. First things first, students need to sit down with their family […]
Who are You Going to Call?
…When You Need Answers, You can Call! When you have a University-related question, sometimes the hardest part about this is not knowing who to call. At IU, there are so many different departments, it can oftentimes be confusing when it comes to where to call and who will help you. I swear I have spent hours on the phone just getting forwarded from department to department trying to get a simple question answered. Over the years there have been only a few times that I, as a parent, have felt the need to call the campus to resolve an issue. Generally, I try to get my kids to handle it themselves. However, knowing where to call for whatever the issue can be daunting. Be aware though that, unless your student has given you permission to call or is sitting with you, some departments won’t speak to you, the parent. Check out our […]
Storage IU, Where does the Stuff Go?
Where Will They Put All Their Stuff? That time between semesters when they want to bring everything home for a few weeks or summer and you are wondering a) how you will get it all home and b) where you are going to store it all. This was my daughter’s freshman year, and we lived out of state. I was preparing to fly to IU, help pack her dorm room then bring piles of things home for the summer because she needed everything. Needless to say, after an email from the university a few days later recommending a moving and storage company in Bloomington called Guys and Dollies, we changed the plans, hired them to pick up her packed items in the dorm room, store them in an air-conditioned space then deliver her items to her fall residence. The plan worked great and she eventually got over leaving her needed items behind. […]
More Veggies Please – Vegetarian/Vegan Dining
You Really Do Want To Eat More Veggies! Slowly, but surely, more and more young people are going vegan or vegetarian. I can’t blame them. Veggies are good and good for you. Sometimes the choices on or around campus just aren’t that healthy. So more veggies, please! My daughter was a vegetarian for about two years until she could no longer resist a big, juicy burger. Now she is a vegetarian most of the time with an occasional burger or piece of chicken. Whichever way works for your student; the good news there are plenty of veggies around and restaurants by IU that cater to our vegan Hoosiers. Favorites: Anyetsang’s Little Tibet -This favorite of my daughter and mine is housed in a cute little house which offers Tibetan, Thai, and Indian food, the menu is easily labeled with many great vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options. Bucceto’s Pizza Pasta – This pizza […]
Transferring to IU
Transferring and Change is Good Some students leave for college unsure of what to find and realize when they get there it is not the place for them. Perhaps too they never actually went away, but had been living at home for college and are now ready to go away. If transferring to IU is something your student is considering, they can start by checking out the requirements. Note: the first condition is a minimum GPA of 2.5, but some transfer students claim that it is not always as difficult as it sounds. Of course, the better the grades, the better their chances. An official college transcript is required. Students’ high school transcripts and test scores will be reviewed as part of the admission process if they have completed fewer than 26 semester hours of college coursework. SAT/ACT scores must be sent directly from the testing agency; if they are at least […]
Football Time – Where to Watch the Hoosiers
College football … Hoosiers, It’s Time Over here we are counting down the days until IU football games are back in action! To start anticipating that our football team will end up nationally ranked and headed to a bowl game. Even after graduation, alumni go to football watch parties where they can hang with other alum. Hanging with other Hoosier fans is way more fun and it could lead to a job, a rekindled friendship, or just a feeling of being back at school. We’ve got the places to head to for football game madness. Below are bars that IU alumni tend to go to most often. Be sure to dress in your Hoosier school colors – we’ve got some great gameday outfits for students too. Most popular IU football watch party locations: Illinois Arlington Fox and Hound– 910-918 W Dundee Rd, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Chicago Joes on Weed Street– 940 […]
IU COVID Updates
Stay Up to Date on COVID Plans Seems like finding the right COVID update in this unusual time is tricky. I don’t think I have ever used the word unprecedented as much as I have since this pandemic began. Actually, I don’t believe I ever used the word pandemic much either. However; it is real and regardless of what these unprecedented times have brought to you and your family, the fall semester will begin before we know it and it is important that we stay up to date on the latest update and procedures at IU. At present, IU will remain in-person and online through November 20th. After Thanksgiving, classes will remain online until February 7th while administrators are communicating with government officials about necessary safety measures and health protocols for the return to campus. Updates change, well, frankly, like the wind, but here are some important parts. Before going back to […]
Trick or Treat The Halloween College Version
That was then… As a little girl Halloween consisted of dressing up for school, going desk to desk filling up my school basket with candy from my classmates while getting a sugar rush. From there I remember always entering my home to the smell of cinnamon broomsticks and pumpkin bread baking in the oven. After carving silly faces on our pumpkins we would explore the neighborhood for hours trying to see which houses gave out the biggest candy bars. This is now… As fun as Halloween was as a kid, Halloween is a different kind of fun in college. Typically the Indiana campus will be decorated, with dorm rooms and dining halls in festive decor. Many times the dorms will have competitions to see who can decorate there dorm door the spookiest. Bloomington is also absolutely beautiful in October. The leaves will be crunching below your feet and it is the perfect […]
Need Advice? Get Some Advising
Our Advice Guide to Getting An Advising Appointment The demand for academic advising increases as registration for the next semester approaches. Advisors have limited appointments and if I could offer any advice in this regard, it is to schedule your appointment in advance. One intern remembers being in a panic when she saw that the next available appointment wasn’t for a month out. What is available though is drop-in advising for quick questions or pressing issues that can’t wait, you will usually get about 10 minutes. This is on a first-come, first-serve basis and, although there may be a longer wait time, general questions can be resolved. There is a specific window of time for this and it varies depending on the major, so make sure to check on the website first. If your advisor does not have any available appointments or you are not sure who your advisor is, call the University […]
Preparing for Grad School Exams
More exams, the fun keeps going! I know it feels like you just finished studying for the ACT/SAT’s and left for college, but before you know it, graduation will be looming and many students will be preparing for graduate school exams of some sort. Becoming familiar with the vast amount of degrees and programs out there would be the first step. If you are considering graduate school at IU, check to see if they have an open house. Consider visiting other colleges as well. This will give you the opportunity to meet professors and ask questions about the program. Start talking to an advisor early to be sure you have all the correct exams, prerequisites, shadowing, or research hours you will need. Whether you are preparing for Medical or Law School or a specific graduate program, researching the continuation of your education may feel overwhelming. Finding the right concentration for you is […]
21 and Oh So Fun at IU!
21 and an official adult now! Have fun! You hear the stories about students using fake IDs and going to the bars as freshmen in college all throughout high school. Although this may be the case at some schools, the town of Bloomington is very very strict, and will not let a fake ID slide so make sure to be safe and follow the law or you will end up with a MIP at the least! Put your 21st birthday on your calendar now because I promise you will be counting down the days to have the perfect celebration with your friends. According to Barstool, IU is home to one of the most iconic college bars and great for celebrating 21! Partying at Kilroys Kirkwood consists of countless Long Islands and some amazing live music. Kilroys on Kirkwood is the spot to be on game days considering they have an extensive outside […]
Namast’ ay at IU Yoga
Keeping Peaceful, Zen, and Stress-Free with Yoga In college, I was determined to stay fit and healthy but I was not much of a gym girl. The school gym was always extremely crowded and I always felt very overwhelmed never knowing how to use all of the work-out machinery. I decided to experiment with different workout methods and then found my deep love for yoga. Not only is it giving my exercise but yoga completely allows me to relax and free my mind which is definitely essential with a busy college lifestyle. Many studios are doing virtual online yoga classes while some are taking social distancing precautions and still doing in-person classes. We recommended giving a class a try! The practice of yoga is over 5000 years old. There has to be something to that. In addition, it has been proven to alleviate stress; and what college student doesn’t have some stress? […]
College Majors to Pursue in Tough Times
Perhaps It’s Time to Consider Majors that are Sustainable Students usually choose a major over a period of time. I have always been a fan of taking a variety of classes until you find the ones that you enjoy most and choosing a major around that. Every school, including IU, has its more popular majors as well. However; in these unprecedented times, students might want to take recent events into consideration when choosing or changing their major. As with any major event, such as a recession, war, or, in this case, a pandemic, there is a shift in what type of degree a student may want to consider pursuing. Certainly, the job market will look different in the future. Contemplating what jobs were sustainable throughout the pandemic may also help in the decision-making process. For instance, IU’s School of Public Health has multiple majors that would be beneficial to pursue that apply […]
Graduation Photography for Your Hoosier
Memorialize Graduation Day with Photography The last four years (or so) probably flew by and commencement is around the corner. There is no doubt that graduation is a big deal and one you will definitely want to memorialize. It should be celebrated and remembered! Graduation photos are a big deal too; far bigger than the simple cap and gown pic I remember taking….well, a few years back. Students today often hire photographers to guide them around campus and get all sorts of pictures of them in their crimson and cream to commemorate the event. Some students will go to the usual spots for their photos. Others may choose to have some of their senior pictures captured someplace that is specifically special to them. Some want a few of their photos to be with their friends or sorority sisters or brothers too. Many students (particularly photography enthusiasts) will offer their services to take […]
Staying at IU For Thanksgiving
Make Thanksgiving a Friendsgiving Managing Thanksgiving plans is always a challenge. This year Thanksgiving break is November 22nd-29th, and classes will resume online only on Monday, November 30th. Not all students will be going home for the holiday. Flights can be incredibly expensive around this time. Some students may have to work, and others may go home with a local friend for a little turkey dinner. Having a traditional Friendsgiving with friends rather than making the trek home is a tradition for some as well. Whichever way it works out; there is plenty to do if you are going to be at IU for Thanksgiving this year. Let Someone Else Do the Cooking! Many restaurants put together a great traditional meal for Thanksgiving. Some are less traditional but sound delicious. Check out some of these: Anatolia Restaurant – 405 E. 4th Street Bloomington Bob Evans – 3233 W 3rd St (SR 48 […]
Controversial Speakers IU
Is Free Expression Controversial? IU’s beautiful Dunn Meadow is a magnet for protests, rallies, and debatable controversial speakers to frequent. IU embraces diversity and celebrates individuality within its community; however, the college culture pulls in visitors determined to protest and argue the lifestyle of many of IU’s students. So where is the fine line drawn between the protection of IU’s community and the preservation of free speech? In my personal experience, IU students manage quite well by paying little to no attention to the more hateful speakers that tend to present themselves on Dunn Meadow and near the Student Union. The more offensive speakers tend to project detestable speeches in regard to sexuality, religion, drinking, and drugs. All too often, these same speakers will engage in shaming women who they believe are participating in distasteful or unholy behavior. If we intentionally ignore these speakers by not gathering around and providing them an […]
Graduation at IU
Remember When… It seems like yesterday that your Hoosier was an incoming freshman and now, within a few months, they will be graduating and looking towards the next step in their lives. For some it will be graduate school, it may be the military and for some, it may be their first job in the “real” world. Whatever it will be, graduation time is a time of excitement and pride! Here are some helpful tips and some guidance to ensure that the time for graduation is a memorable time and not a stressful time. IU has two graduation ceremonies, one in the fall and one in the spring. Due to COVID-19, commencement is going to be virtual this fall and take place on December 19th at 5 pm EST. The ceremony will be streamed live across multiple platforms such as Facebook and YouTube. It will also feature special remarks, and photos, videos, […]
Being Thrifty at IU
Need to Stay on a Budget? Be Thrifty! Are you thrifty? Sometimes I just feel like college is never-ending outfits and events. Between interviews, formals, themed date functions, school attire, game days, and themed parties, a lot of outfits need to be ready to go and that does not normally come without a large price tag and spendings account! On top of outfits, we know you are spending a ton on food, decorations, going out, textbooks, and classes in general. Fortunately for you, I have discovered some amazing thrift stores in Bloomington that will not only make you break the bank but will allow you to be the best dressed as well. You name it, most thrift stores have everything from apparel to rugs so feel free to make a shopping list before going so you know what to keep in mind while you’re browsing the isles. Thrifting has become more trendy […]
The Benefits of Joining the IU Alumni Association
Alumni Networking, Perks, and More… Before you know it, you are walking across the stage at graduation and, with that last step, you are an official Hoosier alumnus. The question is, what does it mean to be an alumnus? Certainly, you will wear your Hoosier pride for years to come, but there is more. Right from the start, you will find that Hoosiers want to help each other. Encourage your students to join the IU Alumni Association for a variety of reasons, but first to network with other members when looking for jobs. I know quite a few Hooser’s that are more apt to hire a Hoosier graduate than “outsiders.” HaveUHeard that membership in the Alumni Association starts at $100 annually? Should your students move to another city, they may find many activities there as well. It is a great way to meet people and find a realtor or a roommate. Check […]
Volunteering Turns Your Compassion into Action IU
Volunteering with passion is key. Is volunteering the path for you? When you first go off to college, you will find that there is no shortage of opportunities to participate in social activities, sports, the arts, and recreation. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out where you fit as a Hoosier but have no fear; you will find your place and meet amazing people. That being said, please be sure to take advantage of the many volunteering possibilities that IU offers. Volunteering truly changes a person. There is so much to gain from helping others and it speaks to your character as well. Giving back to the community is important! Let’s face it, we all have had some form of help along the way in our journeys in life so why not give back your time, effort, money, or just your listening ears to those who need a little help. Another […]
Campus Resources for Students of Color
Campus Guide to Resources for Multicultural Students Campus diversity amongst students has grown considerably over the years and IU vies to maintain an inclusive atmosphere; allowing all students to gain exposure, perceptions, global awareness, and a willingness to collaborate peacefully and freely. Whether serving as a forum for communication, helping students build strong social networks, or simply in pursuit of a welcoming space amongst other students of color; IU undoubtedly has a place where you will find your connections. Firstly, the Black Student Union proposes to serve as the official voice and meeting place for the black community at IU. Their purpose is to give African American students a close-knit community. The BSU is located at 900 East 7th Street Room 371Bloomington, IN 47405 where all are welcome to socialize, come together to form social networks, study, or simply just a comfortable place to hang out. Feel free to email for […]
Register to Vote at IU
How to Have Your Vote Count While At College For students in a new city adapting to a busy college schedule, the voting process can seem daunting. As an 18-year-old freshman, I didn’t even know where to begin to register or where to go to vote! With an election year coming up, taking the time to go to the polls is more important than ever. So, how can you do it? Your vote counts. IU’s Initiative Student Voting Guide is the place to go for all things voting-related for Hoosiers. They offer a variety of information from registering to vote to where to go on election day, including information for students who are residents of Indiana, as well as those out of state. Hoosiers who are residents of Indiana and are not already registered to vote should start here. For students that have registered out-of-state visit Your Voice, Your Vote to get […]
Get Involved
Time To Get Involved! One of the most exciting parts about going to college is getting involved and finding new passions and hobbies all while having fun. When students first come to IU, they are often overwhelmed by the huge campus filled with over 33,000 undergraduates. To make a big university feel small, get involved! There are so many on-campus opportunities to take advantage of so students just have to find what interests them. Of course, class and assignments come first, but getting involved on campus in some way is pretty important as well. When applying for jobs, they typically also want to hear about your involvement at the university. First, joining a club helps students build a community and network. Meeting people will help students transition into college go smoother and these connections and friendships can last forever. Joining clubs and organizations allows students to discover their passions and strengths, and […]
The ABC’s of a 529 Plan
What does 529 Pay For? When you decide to have kids, your first thought is not how am I going to pay for college, but it might be your second. Raising my children in South Florida, I was familiar with the Prepaid Florida Tuition Plan which is one type of plan. I chose another, the 529 Savings Plans, or what is also known as a Qualified Tuition Plan (QTP), which was fairly new. I invested in this type of tuition plan as well as asking the kids’ grandparents to invest in a 529 Savings plan, as opposed to gifting them money for birthdays and holidays. Since 1996,529 plans have been a way of saving for college for your students. If you had such a qualified tuition plan or a relative set one up for you, then you and your student are now eligible to access the funds. Lucky you. The funds from […]
Flu Season Ahead, Wash Your Hands!
The Flu ends with “U” Achooooo, It’s that season again – and I don’t mean tailgates and parties. Flu season is generally from October through May. Given that the flu is easily spread by coughing, sneezing, and close contact – and what gets closer than dorm life, sorority living, and classrooms – students may want to consider getting vaccinated with the Seasonal Flu Vaccine. IU makes it incredibly easy for students. Students are welcome to attend any of the health center flu shot clinics with a valid ID. Check the schedule before going. Yes, for many students it may be hard and annoying to think about a sickness they haven’t even gotten yet but, trust us! Getting sick in college with no parents to help bring you chicken noodle soup in bed is not the ideal situation. Freshman year in my dorm there was one week where almost my entire floor was […]
Finding an Internship
Learn About Your Internship Options I’m the type of girl who wants to have her life planned out. I like to stay organized, set goals, and reach for the stars. When it came to getting an internship in junior year, I knew I wanted to start my search early. Boy did it pay off too because I was the first of my friends to get an internship which was honestly so exciting- and allowed me to be less stressed. Although I got an internship before my friends, it wasn’t the early application that let me stand out from the other candidates longing for the job. Fine, I guess I will share my secrets towards getting your dream internship… The first step towards getting your dream internship is doing your research about the industry. Know what’s currently going on and stay up to date on current events. I extensively researched the best companies […]
Best Ways to Find a Roommate
What To Look For In An Ideal Roommate Finding the ideal roommate can be stressful, to say the least. I’m here to tell you about my personal experiences and how to avoid getting a disastrous roommate. I remember being an incoming freshman and not knowing if I should live with a best friend or a random stranger. My high school best friend was begging me to live with her at the time and something in my gut just told me that living with your best friends is never the best option in the world. I decided to go with a mutual friend and it was truly the best decision I’ve made. I went through the IU roommate Facebook page and saw which people were mutual friends. I finally found the perfect girl; we had all the same interests, so many mutual friends, and we were both from South Florida. Although it sounds […]
Dress for Success
Time to Step It Up, Success Is Waiting! First impressions can lead to success. Throughout college, there are going to be many circumstances where students will have to dress business casual or business professional. For the young men, this may mean a suit and tie and for the young women, while they have more options, it may mean a suit, pantsuit, skirt, and blouse, or dress. That’s not to mention shoes. Students need to research the companies they will be interviewing with and eventually working for. Some companies are very conservative in their dress policies and require business attire while others are more business casual. Trends change, but the basics still require that their look should be polished. I promise, just because you have to dress business professionals doesn’t mean you have to wear an ugly, boring old suit, there are so many cute options out there. As students get closer to […]
Make The Call to Admissions
If You’re Worried, Then Call… Perhaps you’ve dreamed of going to IU only to have been denied admission or have a conditional admission. While calling admissions, and by calling we mean that your student makes the call, is something many feel uncomfortable doing, it may be worth the effort – or peace of mind- to make that call. So many students sit around the phone waiting for months to hear back from Indiana after reapplying. Why keep yourself in agony when you can just call admissions and ask what the hold up is? They may not always give you a direct answer, but admissions will most likely tell you about how long it takes for acceptance or denial to come back. You never know, if you are extra-extra nice they may even try to speed up the process for you! Sometimes, if students can show IU that their grades have improved senior […]
Birthright Israel
Young Jewish Adults Israel Trip What exactly is Birthright Israel? Birthright Israel began in 1999 with a bold idea—offering a free, life-changing trip to Israel to young Jewish adults between the ages of 18 and 32 and, in doing so, transforming the Jewish future. Their mission is to give every Jewish young adult around the world, especially the less connected, the opportunity to visit Israel on an educational and inspirational religious experience. Today, Birthright Israel is the largest educational tourism organization in the world and it aims to strengthen Jewish identity, communities, and connection with Israel. Each trip is 100% funded by 30,000+ donors each year. The experience of Birthright is one that students will remember always and the connections made with fellow students on the trip will turn into life-long friendships. There is no reason to be concerned about political unrest or their safety since every trip is guided and constantly […]
Lunch Bunch
Mid-Day Munchies- What’s for Lunch? The best part of lunch is the break it gives you in the middle of the day! Lunchtime is my favorite time to unwind; I put my phone down, stop thinking about school, and just take a little bit of time to relax. But it’s even better when you’re enjoying a meal as well. Like any city, there are literally hundreds of dining options in Bloomington from fast food to fast-casual, from family-style to fine dining. Everyone in my family has always been a foodie so I never settle for fast food, I love to discover all of the new and unique food spots. Your lunch choices will often depend upon your plans throughout the day but there are plenty of options in downtown Bloomington which is right next to campus. Some things to consider beforehand are price and time. It is not unusual for there to […]
Care Packages for IU Students
Who doesn’t enjoy getting a package delivered? We know you really care, you care a lot about your student and want them to be happy. Whether it is for a birthday, a little something to ease the stress of midterms or finals, a pick me up when they are feeling sick, holiday treats, or congratulations on a job well done; there are many options that will surely bring a smile to your student’s face. Sometimes it is nice to go with the local shops; most all deliver. Then again, there are some excellent national choices too. We have given you plenty to choose from– all of which our kids, interns, or we like. All you have to do now is decide what to send. There is variety there too. For instance; if you are looking for sweets (and who isn’t?) for a birthday, pick me up, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, religious holidays, or […]
Intramural and Club Sports
You Can Still Play Club Sports in College When students are interested in sports but do not necessarily want to commit their lives to the game, club sports are a great option in college. Not only do you get to play the sport you love, but it is a great way to meet friends at IU. These sports are on a less intense level allowing for a more manageable schedule during the semester. Intramurals are fun, competitive, low-intensity sports that allow you to play with your team without the pressures that club sports sometimes create. For the Fall 2020 semester, face coverings are required to be worn at all times. For this semester, there will be in-person and virtual options to participate on any team. Any student has the ability to join in on the intramural games, and there will even be some virtual activities! Soccer is the most popular intramural sport […]
Football Seats at Memorial Stadium
A Guide to Seats at Memorial Stadium Going to fall football games and shouting the Hoosier cheers in the student section will truly be some of your best memories in college. Everyone should get to at least one Hoosier football game. Or, perhaps you or your family want to get season tickets. In past years, Hoosier games have proven to be pretty exciting and they are anticipating another thrilling one. One of the keys to making it great, however, is knowing where to sit. For instance, the blazing sun can make a big difference in the fun factor of a game. Here are some thoughts about the best seats for football games. Keep in mind that due to COVID-19, there has not been a release on restrictions regarding football games yet but IU will take every precaution to make sure that campus is a safe environment for all students. Memorial Stadium Shady […]
Indiana Hoosier Bucket List – Be Sure You Do These!
Check out these Hoosier things to do! If you have committed to becoming a Hoosier, there are a few things that you might want to check out over your next four years at IU. Some are just plain fun and others sort of obvious. Either way, your time at IU shouldn’t only be about studying. There is so much more to IU and Indiana. Check out our “bucket list.” The Bucket List Participate in Dance Marathon – Dance the night away and be a fundraiser at the same time. Quarry Jump! Rooftop Quarry is close to campus and the perfect place for a study break. You will see girls jumping into the quarry in almost all recruitment videos. IU football game/ tailgate – Yes, they can be hot, but the school spirit can’t be beaten. We recommend far more than once a season. Kiss in the Boathouse– Legend has it if you […]
Career Showcase: A Student Perspective
How to Align Your Studies With Your Future Career Plans Entering college is one of the most exciting times of your life, but it also comes with the daunting question about your major and what you want to do career-wise for the rest of your life. Making such a huge life decision can put a lot of pressure on an individual. Lots of students feel unsure of what major to pick and what kind of job they can see themselves doing. Major decisions are difficult and switches are often made. I myself started college as an undecided freshman and spent my first two semesters meeting with advisors, researching majors and course requirements, and of course, researching different careers and what kind of knowledge and degrees are required for those careers. However, it’s still hard to know where your future will be when you as a student have no real experience in a […]
It’s All About the Delivery
Delivery is the way To Go! Taking time away from studying to eat a meal sometimes feels impossible, yet it is totally necessary. When you are in a good study zone, sometimes it can be difficult to get up and cook a whole meal. So many students will then lean on energy drinks and snacks. Eating the right healthy foods will definitely give students more energy to keep studying for an extensive amount of time. Sometimes it pays to turn to delivery services, especially when you consider the value of brain food. HaveUHeard is here to share some of the services we’ve found, what they deliver, and how they work. They’re knocking at your door: Amazon Prime – Seriously, what can’t you get from Amazon? When you sign up for Amazon Prime as a student, the first 6 months are free. There is then a discounted membership fee for the next 4 […]
Supervise an Easy Budget for Your College Student
This is a budget lesson that will serve you in the future! Going to college is beyond getting your degree, and learning about your future job. College is most students’ first time living completely on their own. With college, comes a lot of learning about responsibility and daily life obligations. Being able to budget is one thing that college students should probably learn on the quicker end before they drain their bank accounts! Whether a student’s parents help them out with money on a weekly basis, or students have a job and pay for themselves, budgeting is important with every situation. At orientation we were inundated with information about all sorts of things; from forms to meal plans. No one ever really elaborated on the best way to handle finances when it came to spending money on a weekly and monthly basis. Perhaps this is because it will vary based on need, […]
Tax Time – Are You Ready?
What Month Is It Anyway? April 15th is right around the corner. As you are preparing your return or having a CPA prepare your return, do not forget to take advantage of the Education Tax Credits available which can help offset the cost of students’ tuition. Two Credits Available There are two tax credits available to take, The American Opportunity Tax Credit and Lifetime Learning Credit. The AOTC (American Opportunity Tax Credit) was made permanent by the Protecting Americans from the Tax Hikes Act signed in 2015. The AOTC allows credit to be claimed for four post-secondary education years instead of two. The AOTC/Lifetime Learning credits are based on the payment of “qualified tuition and related expenses.” These are the expenses for tuition and academic fees that are required for enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution. Qualified tuition and related expenses do not include student activity fees, athletic fees, insurance, […]
Technology Needs at IU
Check Out What You Get for Free! HaveUHeard that Microsoft Office 365 is free for all enrolled IU Students? Office 365 is a cloud-based suite of productivity tools from Microsoft. It integrates all the apps you need to collaborate with your classmates or coworkers. Whether working from campus or on the go, Office 365 is available wherever you are, from virtually any device. Technology at your fingertips! As an IU student, not only do you receive technical assistance with connectivity and other authentication issues, but students may receive exclusive deals on computers and accessories as well as student licenses for special software they may need including Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft Office. While the computer of choice for many students is trending toward Macbook before you head out to get a computer for your student, some of the colleges have specific requirements that differ from general recommendations. Check your individual college and […]
Fun Electives to Take
When You Need Electives At orientation, before freshman year had started, advisors asked that students declare a major. My daughter left there practically in tears, feeling as though the pressure was on and her course needed to be set. There was a course catalog, per se, in front of her, but she felt limited to just the pages within her major. We encouraged her to explore. Take all different sorts of electives, because you just never know what may spark an interest and possibly change an intended path for something even more grand and exciting. Sometimes students’ schedules are just so jam-packed that an easy and fun elective is the perfect way to round out a schedule. Electives can serve many purposes: fulfill an individual’s major requirement, supplement more rigorous courses to complete a minor, fill a schedule, or simply to have fun. For those who have the time and space in […]
Where and how to Pregame at IU
Get Ready For A Fun Pregame Day! Pregame festivities are one of the most fun and exciting aspects of game day… and college! Most students will drink before they go out to a game because we all know that one corona light at the stadium costs about $15. Us students are balling on a budget so if you are anything like my friends and me, you will want to know about all the best IU pre-game spots. If the football game is early in the afternoon, it almost becomes a tradition to wake up early and have brunch and mimosas before going out and about in the town. I promise a big, filling breakfast is absolutely necessary on game days. Yes, waking up at the crack of dawn is a struggle, but having a game to look forward to makes it way easier. Assuming that you are 21+, there are plenty of great […]
Choosing or Changing Your Major
Major Decisions Considering Indiana University offers a multitude of degrees; how is one to choose? Most students begin college with some idea of what they want to study, but it is not uncommon for them to change majors. My own children; I have two; both changed majors at least once….so far. My eldest daughter was sure to follow in my tracks as a nurse only to find that after taking a few science classes, a major change to the business school was in order. I used to envy those students who knew exactly what they wanted to do with their lives and stuck with it, but then I learned to appreciate the opportunity to explore and possibly find something new that lands us just where we need to be. Choosing and changing a major isn’t always easy. There are several ways you can support your student as they are trying to decide […]
Top Majors to Consider at IU
So Many Majors To Choose From What are the best majors, well that depends. Indiana University is in the top one hundred public universities while it gives thousands of students endless opportunities for success. IU offers 87 different undergraduate degrees, 64 majors, and 24 general fields of study. The beauty and culture surrounding IU is not the only thing that draws students to wear crimson and cream; it is also an extremely prestigious and impressive education received while attending. The most popular majors at Indiana University include: General Business Public Administration Computer Information Systems Health & Physical Education General Psychology Management Marketing These, however, are just the most popular, but there is so much more to choose from; 100+ degrees to be more exact. Read more about all the different opportunities. If there isn’t something there that works for you, it is possible to create one’s individualized major by combining majors, minors, […]
Wake up Hoosiers! It’s Game Day!
Get Ready For the Big Game Hoosiers, With These Attire Tips! The best feeling for any college student, particularly if you’re a Hoosier, is waking up knowing it is game day! There is so much preparation that goes into game days: where to tailgate, who to squad up with, and what to wear. Showing up to tailgates and games is more than just rocking your school colors, it is showing your spirit and how much you love your school. It almost feels like a school-wide competition: who can get the most spirited? With this list, you’ll be sure to place in first! It is important that whenever you are shopping for game day attire, you strictly look for your school colors. You don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb wearing the one color that doesn’t match with everyone else. Most students go all out wearing crimson and cream. Yes, some […]
Indiana University
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